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1. An instrument used to record the mechanical movements of the heart.

car′di·og′ra·phy (-ŏg′rə-fē) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈkɑːdɪəʊˌɡrɑːf; -ˌɡræf)
1. (Medicine) an instrument for recording the mechanical force and form of heart movements
2. (Medicine) short for electrocardiograph
cardiographer n
cardiographic, ˌcardioˈgraphical adj
ˌcardioˈgraphically adv
ˌcardiˈography n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ɪˌlɛk troʊˈkɑr di əˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf)

a galvanometric device that detects variations in the electric potential that triggers the heartbeat, used to evaluate the heart's health. Abbr.: EKG, ECG
e•lec`tro•car`di•o•graph′ic (-ˈgræf ɪk) adj.
e•lec`tro•car`di•og′ra•phy (-ˈɒg rə fi) n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


an instrument to record the action of the heart. — cardiographer, n.cardiographic, adj.
See also: Heart
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.cardiograph - medical instrument that records electric currents associated with contractions of the heartcardiograph - medical instrument that records electric currents associated with contractions of the heart
cardiac monitor, heart monitor - a piece of electronic equipment for continual observation of the function of the heart
medical instrument - instrument used in the practice of medicine
2.cardiograph - a medical instrument that measures the mechanical force of cardiac contractions and the amount of blood passing through the heart during a specified period by measuring the recoil of the body as blood is pumped from the ventriclescardiograph - a medical instrument that measures the mechanical force of cardiac contractions and the amount of blood passing through the heart during a specified period by measuring the recoil of the body as blood is pumped from the ventricles
cardiac monitor, heart monitor - a piece of electronic equipment for continual observation of the function of the heart
medical instrument - instrument used in the practice of medicine
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˈkɑːdɪəʊˌgræf] Ncardiógrafo m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


n. cardiógrafo, instrumento que traza gráficamente los movimientos del corazón.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
It also introduced participants to all types of heart beats which lead to cardiac instability, how to use the defibrillator, in addition to the introduction of IV tubes in the jugular vein and a carrying out a full cardiograph. The training was attended by doctors from the Salmaniya Medical Complex, Dr Sana Al Khawaja, Dr Dhafar Mahadeen and Dr Mohammed Al-Sayrafi as well as doctors from King Hamad University Hospital such as Dr Mohammad Al-Shirazi and Dr Anas Jari from the ICU, in addition to workers in the Medical Simulation Centre at AGU.
X-ray test and electro cardiograph (ECG) were likewise available to patients through the SM Foundation Mobile Clinic.
Cardiac function was measured through the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle at each systole per minute (CO, l/min), by a cardiograph featuring enhanced bioimpedance signal morphology analysis, obtained through six leads positioned on the patient's thorax (PhysioFlow TM-Lab-1, Manatee Biomedical, Ebersviller, France) [13].
For example, In 2015 Philips launched Effica ECG100, claimed to be a cost effective cardiograph and improving patient care outcomes at reduced costs.
The free medical tests available at Al Safa Polyclinic are GP (general practitioner) consultation, dental consultation, cardiology consultation, vital signs (weight, height, BMI, pulse rate, temperature, blood pressure, respiratory rate), random blood sugar, spirometry, eye checkup, echo cardiograph, obstetrician and gynecologist consultation, USG-OB/Gynec (basis requirement).
"They put him on a cardiograph and soon he was in an ambulance on his way to the Freeman."
Hemodynamic parameters during the recovery sessions of the 130%Wat and the 70%Wat tests were collected by means of an impedance cardiograph (NCCOM 3, BoMed Inc., Irvine, CA), a device which allows continuous non-invasive cardiodynamic measuring during rest, exercise, and recovery.
Resting ECG was taken twice at 15-min interval for all the participants in the study and control groups using a 12-leaded PHILIPS Page Writer Trim I Cardiograph, using standard procedures by the authors.
Before giving tocolysis, blood pressure (BP) and maternal heart rate were recorded and a fetal cardiograph with a CTG (cardiotocograph) machine was done to rule out a non-reassuring CTG.
Following investigations were done in all the cases: Complete hemogram, urine routine, bleeding and clotting time, blood urea, serum creatinine, random blood sugar, Electro cardiograph (ECG), and chest X-rays were obtained routinely.
The mobile medical complex includes 3 rooms: a laboratory for tests, gynecologist room with all necessary equipment, a room with cardiograph, equipment for eye specialist and ear, nose and throat specialist.