

a Turkish governor of a sanjak
[C17: from Turkish qāimaqām, from Arabic qāim standing + maqām position]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The meeting was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Ghassan Hasbani and attended by the representatives of PM Hariri, Fadi Fawaz and Mohamed Itani, the mohafez of Mount-Lebanon Mansour Daou, the caimacam of Metn Marlene Hadad, the president of the federation of Metn municipalities Mirna Murr and the concerned presidents of municipalities and representatives of ministries.
Peretz, a Turkish influence exerted only in the field of public law and legal language (aga, divan, caimacam, sinet, adet).
In Turkey, the title held by middle-ranking civil and military officials, as well as some socio-professional leaders in the Empire); amanet/'pawn' (valuable thing given to someone as a pledge for the repayment of a debt); avaet (feudal tax paid by the person receiving a benefit or office); bacsis/'tip' (money given to a person over the payment due for a service rendered); berat (office investiture diploma); cadiu (Muslim judge, sometimes with responsibilities within the jurisdiction of the church); caimacam (deputy ruler of Moldavia and Wallachia.
In case of ceasing or vacancy, the ruling power was exercised by the temporary leadership of the caimacams, in a number of three, elected among the leaders of high dignities: the president of the High Divan, the Minister of Affairs and the Minister of Justice, who were holding the positions at the moment of vacancy.