

1. (Brewing) a Ugandan alcoholic drink made from millet: sometimes mixed with honey
2. (Cookery) a porridge made out of millet
[from Rukiga, a language of SW Uganda]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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earlier this year, five major road sections in Wau town are being improved: New Sudan Pharmacy to Kongor Bridge (2.1 kilometers), New Sudan Pharmacy to the Department of Mechanical Transport (0.7 kilometers), Mark Bridge to Abu-yasin (0.7 kilometers), Senior Rest House to Busera road (3 kilometers), South Sudan Hotel to Grindi Military Barracks (3.3 kilometers) In addition to re-grading, two culverts and drainage along the 3.3 km and 2.1 kilometers roads are considered top priorities.
The drive passes through mind-boggling variety of sonoran scenery and a highly diversified plant community that includes growths of saguaro, organ pipe, and senita cacti, as well as a welter of woody plants such as the elephant tree (Busera microphylla), and ironwood (Olneya tesota), a member of the legume family.
It is associated with several tropical native dry forest species like the almasigo (Busera simaruba), ucar (Bucida buceras), and sea-grape (Coccoloba uvifera).
Canario 101 NGll Michoacan 68-M Canario 107 NG18 Canario 101-95-115-1-1 Canario 72 NG13 Canario 107/Cacahuate Largo Canario 78 NG14 Canario 107/Peruano Chiva Busera D28 Chihuahua-1M Choqui-96 NG15 CuAl-1 Delicias 71 D14 Puebla 776-CH-27-16-177 Durango 222 D15 Durango 222 Flor de Abril J14 M128/M128///M68//H38A-1/ M68 Flor de Durazno 90 NG16 Cacahuate 72//Cacahuate 72/II-726 ...