

A systematic numerical reduction, especially of nuclear weapons, in which more than one weapon or warhead is destroyed for every new one that is built.

[On the model of buildup.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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"The defense budget will go down; we are in a build-down," Adams says.
forces from major cities and towns represents the first phase of that build-down. The agreement calls for the removal of all U.S.
AC vector motors controlled in the PLC provide desired tension during acceleration, deceleration and build-down.
Kennedy was not the only President to see the possibilities that a worldwide "build-down" offered the United States.
Thus, ultimately, long-term progress on nuclear disarmament requires a global build-down.
The build-down of nuclear and conventional forces in Europe during the past decade is a prime example of the basic logic in action.
Early in 1997 the President should call for a major, worldwide build-down dialogue-and pledge to put forward a Kennedy-style treaty within eighteen months of his inauguration.
This would be more gradual than any previous defense build-down and it would not produce fiscal stability solely on the backs of the military services."
They dwell on the numbers (launchers, missiles, warheads, throw-weights) and propose policies (freeze, build-up, build-down) accordingly.
It will also be claimed that the academies supply a core of leadership that the military needs to survive through all the build-ups and build-downs. This is the gist of Barney Greenwald's famous speech at the end of The Caine Mutiny, in which Greenwald reminded the mutineers he'd just succesfully defended that while he and they had been happy civilians in peacetime, men like Captain Queeg--who was an Annapolis graduate--had been thanklessly manning the guns.