broom handle

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Related to broom handle: Lowes
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.broom handle - the handle of a broombroom handle - the handle of a broom    
broom - a cleaning implement for sweeping; bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle
handgrip, handle, grip, hold - the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it; "he grabbed the hammer by the handle"; "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"
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References in classic literature ?
The young man commenced his search for the letter with the greatest patience, turning out his pockets of all kinds over and over again, rummaging and rerummaging in his valise, and opening and reopening his purse; but when he found that he had come to the conviction that the letter was not to be found, he flew, for the third time, into such a rage as was near costing him a fresh consumption of wine, oil, and rosemary--for upon seeing this hot- headed youth become exasperated and threaten to destroy everything in the establishment if his letter were not found, the host seized a spit, his wife a broom handle, and the servants the same sticks they had used the day before.
Throwing down his spit, and ordering his wife to do the same with her broom handle, and the servants with their sticks, he set the first example of commencing an earnest search for the lost letter.
When she took hold of a mop or a broom handle the hands looked like the dried stems of an old creeping vine clinging to a tree.
'bout ten year ole dat 'uz good to me, en hadn't no mammy, po' thing, en I loved her en she loved me; en she come out whah I uz' workin' en she had a roasted tater, en tried to slip it to me-- robbin' herself, you see, 'ca'se she knowed de overseer didn't give me enough to eat--en he ketched her at it, en giver her a lick acrost de back wid his stick, which 'uz as thick as a broom handle, en she drop' screamin' on de groun', en squirmin' en wallerin' aroun' in de dust like a spider dat's got crippled.
Out of the hair she braided a cord; and by means of the cord she lashed a three-foot piece of broom handle to a board from the salmon case.
A THUG beat his wife with a broom handle and punched her after a champagne celebration following the dropping of a previous assault complaint by her, a judge heard yesterday.
One woman, thanks to a broom handle and her friends' quick thinking, escaped with her life after a shark attacked her, but she still lost her leg.
Michael Wheelan, 47, who had been a close friend of the victim, claims that Willie was hit on the head with a broom handle.
Kelly then went back into his house and emerged with an array of weapons, including lengths of broom handle, broken snooker cues and a knife.
5 broom magic holder, pounds 13.95, Howards Storage World; Bambu natural broom, pounds 12.99, Bentley Brushwares; pink hand brush, pounds 10.99,; stiff patio brush, pounds 8.40, pistachio broom handle, pounds 4.49, Addis.
One was carrying a broom handle and had a handle and hand a hand gun tucked into the waistband of his trousers.
A BIRMINGHAM man has been banned from owning animals for three years after he beat his mother's pedigree dog to death with a broom handle.