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a. Any of various alloys of copper and tin in various proportions, sometimes with traces of other metals.
b. Any of various alloys of copper, with or without tin, and antimony, phosphorus, or other components.
2. A work of art made of one of these alloys.
3. A medal made of bronze awarded to one placing third in a competition, as in the Olympics.
a. A moderate yellowish to olive brown.
b. A pigment of this color.
1. Made of or consisting of bronze.
2. Of a moderate yellowish to olive brown.
v. bronzed, bronz·ing, bronz·es
1. To give the color or appearance of bronze to.
2. To make (a person or a person's skin) darker by exposure to the sun; tan.
3. To make (a person or a person's skin) darker by the application of bronzer.
To become bronze in color, especially by exposure to the sun or the application of bronzer: "He wondered what she thought of all these white bodies bronzing in the heat" (Robert Ferrigno).

[French, from Italian bronzo.]

bronz′y adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Metallurgy)
a. any hard water-resistant alloy consisting of copper and smaller proportions of tin and sometimes zinc and lead
b. any similar copper alloy containing other elements in place of tin, such as aluminium bronze, beryllium bronze, etc. See also phosphor bronze, gunmetal Compare brass1
2. (Colours) a yellowish-brown colour or pigment
3. a statue, medal, or other object made of bronze
4. (Individual Sports, other than specified) short for bronze medal
5. made of or resembling bronze
6. (Colours) of a yellowish-brown colour: a bronze skin.
7. (esp of the skin) to make or become brown; tan
8. (tr) to give the appearance of bronze to
[C18: from French, from Italian bronzo, perhaps ultimately from Latin Brundisium Brindisi, famed for its bronze]
ˈbronzy adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v. bronzed, bronz•ing,
adj. n.
a. any of various alloys consisting essentially of copper and tin, the tin content not exceeding 11 percent.
b. any of various other alloys having a large copper content.
2. a metallic brownish color.
3. a sculpture of bronze.
4. to give the appearance or color of bronze to.
5. to coat with bronze.
6. to tan.
7. of the color bronze.
8. made of or coated with bronze.
[1730–40; < French < Italian]
bronz′y, bronze′like`, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. An alloy of copper and tin, sometimes with small amounts of other metals. Bronze is harder than brass and is used both in industry and in art.
2. An alloy of copper and certain metals other than tin, such as aluminum.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Past participle: bronzed
Gerund: bronzing

I bronze
you bronze
he/she/it bronzes
we bronze
you bronze
they bronze
I bronzed
you bronzed
he/she/it bronzed
we bronzed
you bronzed
they bronzed
Present Continuous
I am bronzing
you are bronzing
he/she/it is bronzing
we are bronzing
you are bronzing
they are bronzing
Present Perfect
I have bronzed
you have bronzed
he/she/it has bronzed
we have bronzed
you have bronzed
they have bronzed
Past Continuous
I was bronzing
you were bronzing
he/she/it was bronzing
we were bronzing
you were bronzing
they were bronzing
Past Perfect
I had bronzed
you had bronzed
he/she/it had bronzed
we had bronzed
you had bronzed
they had bronzed
I will bronze
you will bronze
he/she/it will bronze
we will bronze
you will bronze
they will bronze
Future Perfect
I will have bronzed
you will have bronzed
he/she/it will have bronzed
we will have bronzed
you will have bronzed
they will have bronzed
Future Continuous
I will be bronzing
you will be bronzing
he/she/it will be bronzing
we will be bronzing
you will be bronzing
they will be bronzing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bronzing
you have been bronzing
he/she/it has been bronzing
we have been bronzing
you have been bronzing
they have been bronzing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bronzing
you will have been bronzing
he/she/it will have been bronzing
we will have been bronzing
you will have been bronzing
they will have been bronzing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bronzing
you had been bronzing
he/she/it had been bronzing
we had been bronzing
you had been bronzing
they had been bronzing
I would bronze
you would bronze
he/she/it would bronze
we would bronze
you would bronze
they would bronze
Past Conditional
I would have bronzed
you would have bronzed
he/she/it would have bronzed
we would have bronzed
you would have bronzed
they would have bronzed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


An alloy of copper or tin used by sculptors in ancient Greece, Rome, China, and Africa; revived in modern times.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bronze - an alloy of copper and tin and sometimes other elements; also any copper-base alloy containing other elements in place of tin
atomic number 29, copper, Cu - a ductile malleable reddish-brown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic element; occurs in various minerals but is the only metal that occurs abundantly in large masses; used as an electrical and thermal conductor
gunmetal - a type of bronze used for parts subject to wear or corrosion (especially corrosion by sea water)
phosphor bronze - a corrosion-resistant bronze containing phosphorus; used in bearings and gears
alpha bronze - an alloy of copper and tin that can be worked
bell metal - bronze with 3 or 4 parts copper to 1 part tin; used in making bells
beryllium bronze - a copper-base alloy containing beryllium
copper-base alloy - any alloy whose principal component is copper
leaded bronze - bronze to which 1-4% lead is added
nickel bronze - a bronze containing up to 30% nickel
silicon bronze - a bronze with 2-3% silicon that is resistant to corrosion
2.bronze - a sculpture made of bronze
sculpture - a three-dimensional work of plastic art
Verb1.bronze - give the color and appearance of bronze to something; "bronze baby shoes"
dye - color with dye; "Please dye these shoes"
2.bronze - get a tan, from wind or sun
suntan - get a tan from being exposed to the sun
discolour, discolor, color, colour - change color, often in an undesired manner; "The shirts discolored"
Adj.1.bronze - of the color of bronze
chromatic - being or having or characterized by hue
2.bronze - made from or consisting of bronze
metal, metallic - containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal; "a metallic compound"; "metallic luster"; "the strange metallic note of the meadow lark, suggesting the clash of vibrant blades"- Ambrose Bierce
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


adjective reddish-brown, copper, tan, rust, chestnut, brownish, copper-coloured, yellowish-brown, reddish-tan, metallic brown Her hair shone bronze and gold. see shades of brown
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
بَرونْزبْرونْزلَوْن البرونْزمَصْنوعٌ مِنَ البرونْز
bronzbronzovýbronzové barvy
bronsbronsliturúr bronsi
bronzabronzinisbronzos dirbinysbronzos medalisįdegęs
bronzabronzas-bronzas izstrādājumi
bronzbronzovýz bronzu
bronzbronz rengitunçtunç renginde
đồng thiếc


A. N
1. (= metal, sculpture) → bronce m
2. [of skin] → bronceado m
B. VI [person] → broncearse
C. VT [+ skin] → broncear
D. ADJ (= made of bronze) → de bronce; [colour] → color de bronce
E. CPD the Bronze Age Nla Edad de Bronce
bronze medal Nmedalla f de bronce
bronze medallist Nmedallero/a m/f de bronce
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= metal) → bronze m
(= statue) → bronze m
(= medal) → médaille f de bronze
(= made of bronze) [plaque, statue] → de or en bronze
(= bronze-coloured) → (couleur f de) bronzeBronze Age n
the Bronze Age → l'âge m du bronze
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n (all senses) → Bronze f
vi (person)braun werden, bräunen
face, skinbräunen


Bronze Age
nBronzezeit f
Bronze Age man
nder Mensch der Bronzezeit
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. nbronzo
2. adj (made of bronze) → di bronzo; (colour) → bronzeo/a, color del bronzo inv
3. viabbronzarsi
4. vt (skin) → abbronzare; (metal) → bronzare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(bronz) noun, adjective
1. (of) an alloy of copper and tin. The medal is (made of) bronze.
2. (of) its reddish brown colour.
3. (a work of art) made of bronze. an exhibition of bronzes.
bronzed adjective
suntanned. a bronzed face.
bronze medal
in athletics competitions, the medal awarded as third prize.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بَرونْز bronz bronze Bronze μπρούντζος bronce pronssi bronze bronca bronzo ブロンズ 청동 brons bronse brąz bronze бронза brons ทองสัมฤทธิ์ bronz đồng thiếc 青铜
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Then my eye travelled along to the figure of the White Sphinx upon the pedestal of bronze, growing distinct as the light of the rising moon grew brighter.
Above me towered the sphinx, upon the bronze pedestal, white, shining, leprous, in the light of the rising moon.
From species to species, as: 'With blade of bronze drew away the life,' and 'Cleft the water with the vessel of unyielding bronze.' Here {alpha rho upsilon rho alpha iota}, 'to draw away,' is used for {tau alpha mu epsilon iota nu}, 'to cleave,' and {tau alpha mu epsilon iota nu} again for {alpha rho upsilon alpha iota},--each being a species of taking away.
75: Celmis, again, and Damnameneus, the first of the Idaean Dactyls, discovered iron in Cyprus; but bronze smelting was discovered by Delas, another Idaean, though Hesiod calls him Scythes (1).
He left his chariot rich with bronze and his panting steeds in charge of Eurymedon, son of Ptolemaeus the son of Peiraeus, and bade him hold them in readiness against the time his limbs should weary of going about and giving orders to so many, for he went among the ranks on foot.
He struck at the projecting part of his helmet and drove the spear into his brow; the point of bronze pierced the bone, and darkness veiled his eyes; headlong as a tower he fell amid the press of the fight, and as he dropped King Elephenor, son of Chalcodon and captain of the proud Abantes began dragging him out of reach of the darts that were falling around him, in haste to strip him of his armour.
They were small and bronze. He had never imagined she had such a small foot.
It was a rustly day, a scarlet and buff, yellow and carmine, bronze and crimson day.
The Jewish money-changers have their dens close at hand, and all day long are counting bronze coins and transferring them from one bushel basket to another.
The cascades, somewhat rebellious nymphs though they were, poured forth their waters brighter and clearer than crystal: they scattered over the bronze triton and nereids their waves of foam, which glistened like fire in the rays of the sun.
It was a bronze coin, and the colour, combined with the exact curve of the Roman nose and something in the very lift of the long, wiry neck, made the head of Caesar on it the almost precise portrait of Philip Hawker.
She went to Marathon {59} and to the spacious streets of Athens, where she entered the abode of Erechtheus; but Ulysses went on to the house of Alcinous, and he pondered much as he paused a while before reaching the threshold of bronze, for the splendour of the palace was like that of the sun or moon.