brass neck

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brass neck

informal Brit effrontery; nerve
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(braːs) noun
1. an alloy of copper and zinc. This plate is made of brass; (also adjective) a brass door-knocker.
2. wind musical instruments which are made of brass or other metal.
ˈbrassy adjective
brass band
a band of players of (mainly) brass wind instruments.
brass neck
shameless cheek or impudence. After breaking off the engagement she had the brass neck to keep the ring.
get down to brass tacks
to deal with basic principles or matters. Let's stop arguing about nothing and get down to brass tacks.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Theresa May had the brass neck to say the BBC should think again when the broadcaster has been forced into this unenviable position by her government.
What brass neck to expect that people will pay to hear his ranting."
Can you believe the absolute brass neck of the Labour Party to say the money is just a bribe to get the involved cities and towns MPs to back the Brexit vote.
This I found very difficult to switch off from, because her mind and everything in her life and this character in this film at this time is so active, and it's whirring and I really don't feel like I switched off at all until I shot the last frame" Actress Ruth Bradley on playing Agatha Christie in a new period drama "As a lifelong tubby person who had the brass neck to end up on the television, I can confirm that Nigella Lawson is right.
Brass neck of Prime Minister THERESA May in describing the behaviour of the Scottish Nationalist party for the use of "divisive and obsessive nationalism" in the context of "brexit" would seem to have formed a new distortion to the meaning of what we referred to historically as taking pains to safeguard the best interests of the Scots and their supporters.
We are still waiting, yet the Brass Neck to keep pulling up the council tax.
SIR - The brass neck of Labour politicians in Wales to complain about cuts takes some beating, let's look at the facts.
VILLAINS OF THE WEEK SEPP BLATTER INCREDIBLE brass neck from the FIFA president to even contemplate running for a fifth term as president.
Saltburn's popular Brass Neck Comedy Club is also joining the Big Mouth stable.
What a brass neck on that assistant to start flagging like he did.
FOR years I've been sniping at military top brass for their brass neck in spending six-figure sums on personal servants.
YOU have to be impressed by the brass neck of Ajax defender Jan Vertonghen.