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box office

1. A booth, as in a theater or stadium, where tickets are sold.
a. The drawing power of a theatrical entertainment or of a performer; popular appeal.
b. A factor influencing this power: Notoriety is usually good box office.
3. Total attendance for an entertainment; turnout.
4. The amount of money received from ticket sales for an entertainment.

[So named because it was originally an office for the booking of boxes in a theater.]

box′-of′fice adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


A. ADJtaquillero
B. CPD box-office receipts NPLingresos mpl de taquilla
box-office success Néxito m de taquilla
see also box
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
No one has had it for over a month, except the ghost, and orders have been given at the box-office that it must never be sold."
The dark-complexioned men who wear large rings, and heavy watch-guards, and bushy whiskers, and who congregate under the Opera Colonnade, and about the box-office in the season, between four and five in the afternoon, when they give away the orders,--all live in Golden Square, or within a street of it.
The box-office will be open at noon of the 13th; ad- mission 3 cents, reserved seatsh 5; pro- ceeds to go to the hospital fund The royal pair and all the Court will be pres- ent.
She pushed him away and walking up to the box-office put down her money.
The official Twitter handle of 'Avatar' shared a picture of Iron Man who seemed to be in an 'Avatar' disguise, and wrote, "Oel Ngati Kameie, I see you Marvel -- Congratulations to Avengers Endgame on becoming the new box-office king."
The most anticipated movie in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and perhaps, the entire global entertainment industry, Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame continued to live up to its hype as it smashed Philippine box-office records on its opening weekend.
Figures on box-office tracker Maoyan show that Crazy Alien, a sci-fi comedy, currently tops the pre-sales box office charts for the first day of the holiday, grossing 29.
Shah Rukh Khan's 'Zero' has amassed Rs545 million (Dh28.5 million) since its release on December 21 in India, and its box-office opening stood at Rs201.4 million on the first day of release, according to a report on Box Office India.
LAHORE -- Saba Qamar and Irfan Khan's Bollywood debut 'Hindi Medium', which created ripples among cinemagoers, is setting a new benchmark across the globe on the box-office.
Baahubali 2 is not the only Indian film that is decimating box-office records worldwide.
JAMES BOND has broken box-office records after Skyfall took in PS103m to become the biggest earner in UK cinema history.
The reason major movie studios have lost their first battle over box-office futures trading could be attributed to the fact that Hollywood was slow in reacting to what is considered the new "Barbarians at the Gate" (from the 1990 book about speculators).