
Related to bosset: Boset


(Zoology) either of the rudimentary antlers found in young deer
[C19: from French bossette a small protuberance, from bosse boss2]
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References in periodicals archive ?
Thomas Bosset, a former senior White House cybersecurity official in the Trump administration, was quoted as saying, "This operation imposes costs on the growing Iranian cyber threat, but also serves to defend the US Navy and shipping operations in the Strait of Hormuz."
Bosset, "Benzoic acid as a natural compound in cultured dairy products and cheese," International Dairy Journal, vol.
[52.] Nguyen TV, Bosset JF, Monnier A, Fournier J, Perrin V, Baumann C, Bredart A, Mercier M.
The pH acidity and total solids of milk samples were analyzed through AOAC (2006) methods and vitamin C contents by titrimetric method as described by Bosset et al.
(34.) BosseT, Ter Haar NT, Seeber LM, Diest PJ, Hes FJ, Vasen HF, et al.