bog plant

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bog plant

A plant that grows in permanently moist soil, such as that found by streams and ponds.
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Noun1.bog plant - a semiaquatic plant that grows in soft wet landbog plant - a semiaquatic plant that grows in soft wet land; most are monocots: sedge, sphagnum, grasses, cattails, etc; possibly heath
lesser spearwort, Ranunculus flammula - semiaquatic Eurasian perennial crowfoot with leaves shaped like spears; naturalized in New Zealand
greater spearwort, Ranunculus lingua - semiaquatic European crowfoot with leaves shaped like spears
kingcup, marsh marigold, May blob, meadow bright, Caltha palustris, cowslip, water dragon - swamp plant of Europe and North America having bright yellow flowers resembling buttercups
rush - grasslike plants growing in wet places and having cylindrical often hollow stems
flagroot, myrtle flag, sweet calamus, sweet flag, Acorus calamus, calamus - perennial marsh plant having swordlike leaves and aromatic roots
Calla palustris, water arum, wild calla - plant of wetlands and bogs of temperate regions having small greenish flowers partly enclosed in a white spathe and red berries
Lysichiton americanum, skunk cabbage - clump-forming deciduous perennial swamp plant of western North America similar to Symplocarpus foetidus but having a yellow spathe
foetid pothos, polecat weed, skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus - deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe
iva, marsh elder - any of various coarse shrubby plants of the genus Iva with small greenish flowers; common in moist areas (as coastal salt marshes) of eastern and central North America
sedge - grasslike or rushlike plant growing in wet places having solid stems, narrow grasslike leaves and spikelets of inconspicuous flowers
cattail - tall erect herbs with sword-shaped leaves; cosmopolitan in fresh and salt marshes
sabbatia - any of various plants of the genus Sabbatia having usually pink cymose flowers; occur from acid bogs to brackish marshes
yellow-eyed grass - any of several rushlike plants, especially of the pine barrens of southern United States
Alisma plantago-aquatica, water plantain - marsh plant having clusters of small white or pinkish flowers and broad pointed or rounded leaves
arrow grass, Triglochin maritima - tufted perennial found in shallow water or marshland; sometimes poisons livestock
grass-of-Parnassus, parnassia - any of various usually evergreen bog plants of the genus Parnassia having broad smooth basal leaves and a single pale flower resembling a buttercup
Chelone glabra, shellflower, shell-flower, snakehead, snake-head, turtlehead - showy perennial of marshlands of eastern and central North America having waxy lanceolate leaves and flower with lower part creamy white and upper parts pale pink to deep purple
American brooklime, Veronica americana, brooklime - plant of western North America and northeastern Asia having prostrate stems with dense racemes of pale violet to lilac flowers
brooklime, European brooklime, Veronica beccabunga - European plant having low-lying stems with blue flowers; sparsely naturalized in North America
Sium suave, water parsnip - stout white-flowered perennial found wild in shallow fresh water; northern United States and Asia
greater water parsnip, Sium latifolium - large stout white-flowered perennial found wild in shallow fresh water; Europe
Sium sisarum, skirret - an Asiatic herb cultivated in Europe for its sweet edible tuberous root
aquatic plant, hydrophyte, hydrophytic plant, water plant - a plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinth
lizard's-tail, Saururus cernuus, swamp lily, water dragon - North American herbaceous perennial of wet places having slender curled racemes of small white flowers
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Purple moor-grass, encouraged by previous drainage, smothers native bog plant species and stops sphagnum (peat moss) from growing.
Furthermore, the concentrations of C can be controlled by different bog plant species and peatland type leading to fluctuations in the C/N ratios (Anderson 2002; Loisel et al.
Dramatic impact of fly ash deposition to entire bog plant community (destruction of Sphagnum cover, invasion of numerous non-typical species) in North-Eastern Estonia was mentioned already in the 1970's [1].
"Besides, they are a bog plant and don't mind having wet feet."
It is also supported by nonsignificant differences between the nutrient content in rain-protected and unprotected leaves - both living and senescing - of the bog plant Eriophorum vaginatum (Jonasson and Chapin 1985).
Wants: valerian, corkscrew willow, herbs, bog plant seeds, ornamental grasses, dye plant seeds
The gigantic bog plant, Gunnera manicata, looks like a rhubarb on steroids.
Total nutrient accumulation and seasonal variation in resource allocation in the bog plant Rhynchospora alba.
IF YOU want a terrific bog plant which provides vibrant yellow flowers above dark green rounded leaves, look no further than the caltha.