

(blez; bleɪz)
a. hardened clay or shale, esp when crushed and used to form the top layer of a sports pitch: bluish-grey or reddish in colour
b. (as modifier): a blaes pitch.
[C18: from blae]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The two big names have recorded footage, urging people to sign a petition which called for investment in the red blaes pitch at the Houston school.
Instead, plaintiff Michael Blaes will have to continue his suit on his own in the place where it began St.
Burke is from an age when growing up in football meant skinned knees on blaes pitches and the slap of Mitre Mouldmasters to the face.
GLENN MIDDLETON might be from a generation spared the horror of red blaes pitches but the Rangers kid can count on his dad to recall gruesome tales.
Lenihan DJ, Hartlage G, DeCara J, Blaes A, Finet JE, Lyon AR, et al.
Scanlon, M., Blaes, A., Geller, M., Majhail, N.S., Lindgren, B., & Haddad, T.
The courts - two red blaes and a separate all-weather court - were discussed at the group's meeting last week and it was decided to look at the cost of a Tarmac surface.
The location of the club hasn't changed throughout that time although the playing surface has changed from a blaes surface to macadam.
Anne Blaes participated in interpretation of results.
An interesting theory on inflammation in CRPS was put forward by Goebel and Blaes suggesting that CRPS is a novel kind of antibody-mediated autoimmune disease [14].
(3.) Koehler LA, Blaes AH, Haddad TC, Hunter DW, Hirsch AT, Ludewig PM.