bishop's mitre

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bishop's mitre

(Animals) a European heteropterous bug, Aelia acuminata, whose larvae are a pest of cereal grasses: family Pentatomidae
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References in classic literature ?
The halo is a purely optical illusion, produced by moisture in the air, in the manner of a rainbow; but the aureola is conferred as a sign of superior sanctity, in the same way as a bishop's mitre, or the Pope's tiara.
A bishop's mitre head-dress sits on top of the shield and the coat of arms is completed by the Scotland's earliest recorded Christian inscription found on the famous Latinus Stone at Whithorn, thought to date from 450 AD or earlier and could be contemporary with St Ninian himself.
A floral Bishop's Mitre now graces Prince Bishops Shopping Centre and adjacent to Palace Green lies three St Cuthbert's crosses.
Bruce said he was even banned from featuring napkins folded in the shape of a bishop's mitre, for fear of breaching the religious edict.
The bishop's mitre at his feet is an apt reminder of his courageous, but ultimately fruitless, efforts to be consecrated by Pope Innocent III in Rome By kind permission of the Dean and Chapter of St Davids Cathedral
This involved a great deal of laughter and chatter but we each did eventually produce a Fan, a Bishop's Mitre and a Bird of Paradise.
True, it's not outstandingly memorable, but it comprises bits of the city's history - red/yellow and blue/yellow quarters with lots of zig-zags, from the de Bermingham family arms, and a posh white ermine cross with tufty black markings and a bishop's mitre in the centre, representing the incorporation of Edgbaston and Sutton Coldfield.
Women and gay men are in too much of a hurry to don the bishop's mitre. Their demand for everything now is as damaging as anything the devil could dream up.
The cup was about nine inches high and had a Bishop's mitre engraved on it with, I think, the word junior thereon.
The Rev Canon James Rosenthal, dressed in a red robe with a long white beard and holding a bishop's mitre and crook, was refused entry by guards at Yarl's Wood immigration removal centre in Bedfordshire.
Already, he has made fewer media-friendly appearances and, most significantly, he has removed from his coat-of-arms the imperial Triple Crown, replacing it with a bishop's mitre. This is crucial symbolism, returning the papacy to the idea of collegiality from the quasi-monarchical impact of the latter part of John Paul II's 'reign'.