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noun (Informal) boaster, know-all (informal), swaggerer, self-seeker, egomaniac, egotist, braggart, braggadocio, narcissist, swell-head (informal), blowhard (informal), self-admirer You really are a big-head.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
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It was a spectacle to stir the dullest soul when this gallant band marched out of the yard in full regimentals, with Captain Dove a solemn, big-headed boy of eleven issuing his orders with the gravity of a general, and his Falstaffian regiment obeying them with more docility than skill.
W Brom v Boro, SS1, 1.30pm Middlesbrough visit the People's Republic of the West Midlands, where the Baggies toil joyfully under the eye of Chairman Pulis Man City v W Ham, SS1, 4pm Pep Guardiola be warned: West Ham shocked City at the Etihad last season and can be big-head hunters with bite A Bilbao v Barca, SS1, 7.15pm Shouldn't be taxing for Barca, with Messi in such blistering form already.
People can turn around and tell you, you are the biggest big-head ever, but I actually don't think I've done that.
When the interview began he continued to chat without changing the expression on his face, thereby proving that he is (a) not a big-head, and (b) not a fake who has one personality for when the cameras aren't pointing at him and quite another for when they are.
A variety of species of fish are taken, including a big-head carp that tips the scales at over 40 pounds and a long-nose gar that just misses the Nebraska state record!
BIG-HEAD Kanye West says his ideal lover is Superwoman.
But he also sees enough of "Old Big-head" Cloughie in Fergie to believe the Manchester United manager could be on the brink of emulating O'Neill's great mentor at Nottingham Forest by lifting the European Cup a second time.
I CAN'T stand wind-up merchants, mainly because I'm so rubbish at doing it myself, and house big-head Federico is really sailing far too close to the wind with his tales and boasts at the moment.
BIG-HEAD Antonio Cassano has eaten so much humble pie in the wake of his attack on Real Madrid boss Fabio Capello that he must have an erchie the size of Ronaldo's now.
QUICKIE ACROSS: 1 Larked about 8 Law 9 Row 11 Analyse 12 Rogue 13 Sky 14 Era 15 Command 17 Ore 19 Once 21 Grey 23 Plea 25 Sage 27 Bus 29 Various 31 Ago 34 Spa 36 Front 37 Big-head 38 Fez 39 Any 40 Wedding ring.
The Labour leader said: "There is nothing worse than a big-head fireman from Wavertree who makes false claims and makes the city look stupid.
The big-head option is cool and each player is depicted by a digitised photo of themselves so it even looks as much fun as it plays.