

Hinglish shame; embarrassment
[C21: Hindi be-izzat dishonour]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
A spokesman for Besti Cadwaladr UHB said the ombudsman's recommendations had been accepted.
Mantujac said he spends 85 percent of his time at the BESTI farm, while Patlingrao conceptualized the first farm school in Balamban, thus the partnership.
Women in six weight categories will be represented by ten Paralympians - Gulnar Gereyeva (48 kg), Shahana Hajiyeva (48 kg), Sabina Abdullayeva (52 kg), Besti Safarova (52 kg), Afag Sultanova (57 kg), Sevda Veliyeva (57 kg) , Khanum Huseynova (63 kg), Zulfiya Huseynova (-70 kg), Khatira Ismiyeva (+70 kg) and Dursedef Karimova (+70 kg).
i have really learnt to communicate properly and give the besti can offer."
Besti initiated a reforestation project with the help of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
This finding is comparable with the study conducted by Besti et al.
The authors would also like to acknowledge the assistance of their research assistants: Besti Gomez Ballesteros, Jorge Jeri Reyes, and Maroa Sanabria.
There are concerns that the amount of clutter in clinical areas at hospitals run by the Besti Cadwaladr health board could be hampering efforts to keep them clean.
Quivi avea tutti frutti (e) li piu begli palagi del mondo, tutti dipinti ad oro, a besti' e a uccelli; quivi era condotti: per tale venia acqua a per tale mele e per tale vino; quivi era donzelli e donzelle, li piu begli del mondo, che meglio sapeano cantare e sonare e bailare.
NORTHERN SKY'S SPRINGER SPANIELS: Own one of the besti Top AKC field breeding.