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(Mining & Quarrying) the procedure of reducing ores
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.beneficiation - crushing and separating ore into valuable substances or waste by any of a variety of techniquesbeneficiation - crushing and separating ore into valuable substances or waste by any of a variety of techniques
extraction - the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by chemical or physical or mechanical means
activating agent - (mineral extraction) a surface-active chemical used in flotation process to increase the attraction to a specific mineral
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) also seeks to derive value from the cooperation agreements with China on the SEZs, particularly as South Africa embarks on industrialisation and mineral beneficiation programmes," said the department.
Beneficiation, via a combination of contract crushing and screening and owner-operated facilities, will result in an uplift in head grades to 0.5-0.6g/t Au, and annual production to approximately 80,000oz, with the All-In Sustaining Cost (AISC) expected to be approximately A$1,600/oz from the end of 2019.
'At the moment, Botash is only involved in the mining production of soda ash and salt which is then shipped off in its raw form to neighbouring countries and other markets for processing, noting that there are no beneficiation activities emanating from the mining of soda ash and its downstream products,' he said.
Beneficiation of Phosphates: Sustainability, Critical Materials, Smart Processes
In 2003, SMEDA Balochistan proposed a chromite beneficiation plant, capable of producing 15,000 tons of the concentrates by conducting a detailed study on chromite.
The $62 million smelter at Unki Mine's existing complex near Shurugwi is a strategic investment for the company, meeting local beneficiation commitments.
As the market leader in ash excavation with a unique ability to bundle our low-cost ash beneficiation technology in a highly scalable design, we believe we are in an ideal position to bring differentiated and customized solutions to our customers' accelerating need for remediation and recycling of coal ash," said CEO Scott Sewell.
mining industry consists of the search for, extraction, beneficiation, and processing of naturally occurring solid minerals from the earth.
has installed companion beneficiation equipment at its Sulphur, La., terminal to improve the overall quality of ASTM C618-grade material output.
Being medium-grade in their current form, different beneficiation techniques including gravity separation, magnetic separation and froth flotation were employed to assess the up-gradation potentials of the Dammal Nisar ore.