
Also found in: Idioms.


(Professions) informal an accountant
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
I only hope I'm not giving some force bean-counter any bright ideas.
In most companies today, the CFO is a true multitasker; no longer is he or she just the chief accounting or numbers maven--or, as David Doll, a partner with Tatum CFO Partners, puts it, "the highest-class bean-counter"--but a risk manager, strategist and a strong right hand to the CEO.
"A reader who wishes to remain anonymous told me about a way to keep from falling asleep in boring managed care bean-counter administrative meetings and seminars," Dr.
``I am not a politician, but a mere bean-counter,'' she cooed endearingly to the cynical political hacks present, before proceeding to put in one of the most accomplished political performances West-minster has seen for many a year.
The jokes and cartoons may offer some comic relief, but I fear they may also become reflected in our public image, much as the green-eyeshade and bean-counter stereotypes have, despite the profession's desire to shed them.
Stick that i'thi statistical pipe and smoke it, Mr United Nations bean-counter.
Because I knew one bean-counter desperate to read it would be Peter Kenyon.
And the ex-Marks & Spencer bean-counter will be in the money again in 2010 when a three-year bonus scheme pays out.
"There's one very good reason," the bean-counter explained.
Rumours that the group had secured a top-notch bean-counter did the rounds, but came to nothing.
He's a jumped-up little bean-counter with a grossly inflated sense of his own importance.