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a small beam of light
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This source will then be combined with a special optical system that delivers a pattern of more than 60 switchable beamlets (each beamlet can be turned on and off separately).
Hence, more sophisticated approaches including beamlet transform [23] and shadow removal [27] have been used to enhance the crack detection performance.
The aerosol levels inside the amplifier are maintained in the range of 5,000 to 10,000 particles/[ft.sup.3], and the levels are close to the cleanliness of the NIF facility and far higher than that of NOVA, Beamlet, and other similar facilities [12], including Shenguang-III prototype of China.
It may be said that signal processing is the coin of the electronic realm, and here contributors examine topics as hyperbolic geometry, Nehari's theorem, electronic circuits and analog signal processing, engineering applications of the Motion-Group Fourier transform, fast x-ray and beamlet transforms for 3D data, Fourier analysis and phylogenetic trees, diverse tomography, matrix-valued spherical functions, image resolution for MRI, image compression, integrating sensing and processing for statistical pattern recognition, sampling of functions and sections for compact groups, the Cooley-Tukey FFT and group theory, signal processing in optic fibers, and the generalized spike process.
IMRT differs from 3D-CRT in that each x-ray beam is broken up into many "beamlets," and the intensity of each beamlet can be adjusted individually.
In a 1995 run of the Beamlet -- a $37 million, 200-foot-long prototype of one of NIF's 192 laser "arms" -- the device imploded due to microscopic flaws in the glass, causing $228,000 in damages and shutting down the project for nearly seven weeks.