background music

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back′ground mu`sic

1. music, often recorded, intended to provide a soothing background.
2. music composed to accompany and heighten the mood of a visual production, as a movie.
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Global background music market generated revenue of US$ 1.35 billion in 2017.
[ClickPress, Fri Aug 09 2019] The report on Background Music Market provides detailed and valuable insights into the background music market.
"We found strong evidence of impaired performance when playing background music in comparison to quiet background conditions," Dr.
The researchers found that background music "significantly impaired" people's ability to complete tasks testing verbal creativity - but there was no effect for background library noise.
This allows users to schedule an ideal mix of announcements, commercials and background music throughout the day, week and year, in addition to making live announcements in response to specific situations when required.
Background music, white noise, sound masking or any other external audio source can be routed through the FXI-1A using the relay contacts.
The catwalk on the ramp of Umsha collection was pleasing to eye and also pleasing on ears as the background music of the collection was based on Abida Parveen's magical voice Ghoom Charkra, the ever-charming Saba Qamar was the show-stopper of this collection.
Background Music: Gamers will be able to listen to music from apps such as Pandora, while gaming.
MARKS & Spencer is to switch off background music in stores in response to feedback from customers and staff.
("Play 'Sideways' by Citizen Cope.") The Cone learns your likes and dislikes: Touch the center "power" button, and it'll cue up your favorite breakfast-time podcast, or your usual cooking-dinner background music, depending on your past behavior and listening patterns.
The 1940s theme for the event will be provided with taped background music from the era including Glenn Miller, and Union Jack bunting and table decorations in the Civic Centre's Cafe Refresh where refreshments are being served.

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