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Noun1.backdown - a retraction of a previously held position
abjuration, recantation, retraction - a disavowal or taking back of a previous assertion
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References in classic literature ?
[An amused murmur ran through the room: "It's a clean backdown! he gives up without hitting a lick!"] Wilson continued: "I have other testimony-- and better.
The new Trump rhetoric was a sweeping backdown from his tweet of a few weeks before, in which he said, "If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran.
However, the relief of American investors over the Mexico trade backdown was enough to continue the global rally.
These activities infamously preceded Prime Minister Gillard's swift backdown on the Rudd government's proposed mining 'super-profits' tax and directly supported the successful campaign against the carbon price and election of Tony Abbott.
Qureshi further said that Pakistan has never backdown from cooperation in the investigations.
Sanaie has over the past five years made lots of efforts to improve bilateral economic relations to remedy the backdown.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten said the decision to recognize west Jerusalem as Israel's capital but not move the embassy there was a "humiliating backdown" from the October by-election campaign.
Showing no signs of backdown, Al Qattan, who has 2.3 million Instagram followers, has struck back.
His partial backdown proves he is not completely indifferent to public outrage, which hopefully will generate more of it.
He shaped well on his return at Newbury last month when third to Never BackDown in the Listed Carnavon Stakes when an 8-1 chance.