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Noun1.azederach - tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and small inedible yellow fruitsazederach - tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and small inedible yellow fruits; naturalized in the southern United States as a shade tree
genus Melia, Melia - type genus of the Meliaceae: East Indian and Australian deciduous trees with leaves resembling those of the ash
tree - a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
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References in periodicals archive ?
Don ex Loudon; tezhuilla, cordoncillo; T; FU, CO Tibouchina sp.; chocoyule; C; F, CO, WI Meliaceae Guarea glabra Vahl; azote; T; WI, CO, FU; PU: LF Guarea sp.; rama tinaja; T; SP Melia azederach L.; piocho; T; R, SP, O, CO, FU Moraceae Chlorophora tinctoria (L.) Gaudich.
zeamais en granos almacenados, encontraron promisorias a Euphorbia logan, Capsicum sp., Smilaz spinosa y Melia azederach, ya que ocasionaron 100% de mortalidad sobre dicha plaga.
Wooden blocks of Cedrus deodara, Tectona grandis, Acacia arabica, Morus alba, Ficus religiosa, Melia azederach, Mangifera indica, Azadirachta indica were dried at 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80oC.
[5], Raphanus sativus, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Juglans regia, Melia azederach, Nerium oleander, R.
Even as cultivated plants within terraced settlements, exotic species (e.g., the neem tree, Melia azederach, and Cordia spp.) are very rare.
Por ultimo, la selva mixta fue definida como una asociacion constituida por especies autoctonas e introducidas tales como Ligustrum lucidum, Melia azederach, Morus alba y M.
But the species with the highest ash alkalinity measured was white cedar (Melia azederach), a species native to Australia's east coast.