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Related to audism: autism


1. The belief that people with hearing are superior to those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
2. Discrimination or prejudice against people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

[Latin audīre, to hear; see audio- + -ist.]

au′dist adj. & n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Speaking to KUNA in a statement on Friday, Consul General Omar Al-Kandari said, "We are keen to be with children who are suffering from audism to take part in the WAAD and make these children happy." He added that this initiative, which comes at the behest of His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah in the framework of "Kuwait beside you" campaign, signals his care for this segment of the society.
Alternative approaches are therefore required in order to enhance the participation of deaf signers in academic research, and thereby to ensure that 'institutional audism' (Turner, 2007) is not perpetuated as a result of the insights of this population--as would happen in similar contexts with spoken/written minority languages--being systematically excluded from research outcomes.
(15) Tom Humphries is the first to offer this definition of audism in print.
The term 'audism' was coined by Tom Humphries in 1975, (3) and refers to an active intolerance of nonhearing ways of being.
This may serve the purpose asserted above by hooks--that focusing on the "enemy" allows Deaf people to not challenge their own internalized audism, as well as their classism and racism.
This brings with it a new set of relationships, friendships, challenges --many of them personal, but some political, as she is drawn into awareness of 'audism', the equivalent of 'racisim' as a term for prejudice against the deaf or sheer indifference to their needs.
(3) A palavra "audism", traduzida para o portugues por "ouvintismo", foi cunhada por Tom Humphries em um ensaio nao publicado datado de 1975.
Current and former scholars and a past president from the university, as well as other schools in the US, describe the founding and early history of the institution, attitudes about deafness in the literary works of its first honorary degree recipient, John Carlin, its presidents, issues of audism and paternalism, the debate among early teachers over math curriculum, racist attitudes on campus and in precollege programs, the history of women students, fundraising, and the architectural history of the university for the deaf.
This stage is partly defined by gaining an awareness of the inequity of audism, which is "the notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear or behave in the manner of one who hears" (Humphries, n.d., [paragraph] 3).