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Related to attacking: consoler, fallback, instil, reverted, called off


v. at·tacked, at·tack·ing, at·tacks
1. To set upon with violent force.
2. To criticize strongly or in a hostile manner.
3. To start work on with purpose and vigor: attack a problem.
4. To act on in a detrimental way; cause harm to: a disease that attacks the central nervous system; lawn furniture attacked by corrosion.
5. Sports
a. To play (the ball) aggressively, especially by moving toward it rather than by waiting for it to arrive.
b. To move toward (the goal) on an offensive play, as in lacrosse.
c. In volleyball, to hit (the ball) forcefully over the net.
d. To make a sudden, intense effort to pass (a competitor in a race).
1. To make an attack; launch an assault: The enemy attacked during the night.
2. Sports
a. To make a play on offense; attempt to score.
b. To make a sudden, intense effort to pull ahead in a race.
1. The act or an instance of attacking; an assault.
2. An expression of strong criticism; hostile comment: vicious attacks in all the newspapers.
3. Sports
a. Offensive play, especially in lacrosse.
b. An offensive play: Two midfielders were involved in the attack that resulted in a goal.
c. The players executing such a play.
d. Scoring ability or potential: a team with a powerful attack.
e. A forceful shot over the net in volleyball.
f. A sudden, intense effort to pull ahead in a race: waited until the last lap to begin her attack.
a. The initial movement in a task or undertaking: made an optimistic attack on the pile of paperwork.
b. A method or procedure: Our attack on this project will have two phases.
5. An episode or onset of a disease, especially an occurrence of a chronic disease: an asthma attack.
6. The experience or beginning of a feeling, need, or desire: an attack of hunger; an attack of melancholy.
a. Music The beginning or manner of beginning a piece, passage, or tone.
b. Decisiveness and clarity in artistic expression: a careful performance, but one lacking the rigorous attack the work demands.

[French attaquer, from Old French, from Old Italian *estaccare, of Germanic origin.]

at·tack′er n.
Synonyms: attack, assail, storm, assault, batter, beset
These verbs, drawn from military activity, mean in their figurative senses to act forcefully or aggressively toward someone or something. Attack applies especially to hostile verbal criticism: reviews that attacked the film for its senseless violence; attacked the ruling as detrimental to business interests.
Assail suggests repeated forceful attacks: Critics assailed the author's second novel.
Storm refers to a sudden sweeping attempt to overwhelm or win over: "After triumphantly storming the country, [the President] is obliged to storm Capitol Hill" (The Economist).
Assault and batter can suggest relentless attack or debilitating force: "We are all assaulted by so many messages battering us from the outside every hour of the day that our capacity for listening to our own inner voices is often drowned out" (Harvey Cox).
Beset suggests beleaguerment from all sides: "Rural and suburban areas have been beset by white-tailed deer gnawing shrubbery and crops, spreading disease" (Andrew C. Revkin).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.attacking - disposed to attackattacking - disposed to attack      
offensive - for the purpose of attack rather than defense; "offensive weapons"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[əˈtækɪŋ] adj (SPORT) [style] → attaquant(e), agressif/ive
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in classic literature ?
And one day, catching one of his enemies alone on the edge of the woods, he managed, by repeatedly overthrowing him and attacking the throat, to cut the great vein and let out the life.
After that the advance was a little slower, for though as yet we had offered no serious opposition, the attacking forces must climb up hill, and they came slowly to save their breath.
To and fro swayed the mass of struggling warriors, men falling fast as leaves in an autumn wind; but before long the superior weight of the attacking force began to tell, and our first line of defence was slowly pressed back till it merged into the second.
Inch by inch, fighting with splendid gallantry, the attacking force was pressed back down the hillside, till at last it retreated upon its reserves in something like confusion.
In another second Good had wrung us both by the hand and gone; and then Infadoos came up and led off Sir Henry to his place in the forefront of the Greys, whilst, with many misgivings, I departed with Ignosi to my station in the second attacking regiment.
This group was responsible for attacking news outlet LifeNews and labeling it "lapdogs of [Russian security service] FSB" earlier this week.
attacks disclose the IP address of the attacking botnet and this may be another
Glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) was thought to work by gumming up T cells and other fighters' weapons, but recent research suggests that some of its benefits derive from its ability to call up another unit in the immune system--special forces trained to block the immune cells that are attacking.
The government responded by giving free rein to the janjaweed, Arab militias on horses and camels that began attacking black villages, killing and raping the residents.
Hackers continuously refine their attacking methods, while network security engineers continue to deploy technology to foil the hackers' attempts and keep the network secure.