athletic contest

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Noun1.athletic contest - a contest between athletesathletic contest - a contest between athletes    
contest, competition - an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants
decathlon - an athletic contest consisting of ten different events
Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympiad - the modern revival of the ancient games held once every 4 years in a selected country
Special Olympics - an athletic contest modeled after the Olympic Games but intended for mentally or physically handicapped persons
prelim, preliminary - a minor match preceding the main event
pentathlon - an athletic contest consisting of five different events
meet, sports meeting - a meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held
hop-step-and-jump, triple jump - an athletic contest in which a competitor must perform successively a hop and a step and a jump in continuous movement
tug-of-war - a contest in which teams pull of opposite ends of a rope; the team dragged across a central line loses
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References in periodicals archive ?
In an athletic contest, a crown was a garland wreath given to the winner.
When watching an athletic contest or an action sequence in a movie, audiences are fixated on athletes and stars performing their best moves and stunts.
In the piece, turned into a YouTube video viewed by thousands, Meyers tells of Lubelczyk and other adults defeating students in an athletic contest and never letting Meyers forget it whenever they met in later years.
Parkway High School is continued to creating a positive environment for sporting events that is free of disruption to the athletic contest or game."
Traktor Sazi has become a focal interest for many Azeri nationalists and there have reportedly been periodic outbreaks of anti-Persian chants at its games, so the team's final game had political and ethnic overtones beyond a mere athletic contest.
Athletic contest WIGAN and Charlton kick-off the 32nd round of Championship games in Lancashire tonight, with the secondbottom home side, left, buoyed by Tuesday's 1-0 win at Reading.
Others were irritated to the point of violence by the civilian view that combat was an athletic contest that followed the rules of sportsmanship.
This rigorous and well-written history chronicles the many attempts to reform college athletics from the very first intercollegiate athletic contest in America--a student run crew meet held on August 3, 1852 between Harvard and Yale on Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire, (that just "coincidentally" had a sponsor--the Boston to Montreal rail line)--to the April 2010 appointment of Mark Emmert as president of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
King refers to the passage where Paul, exhorting the Christians to work together, uses a Greek verb which roughly means "playing on the same side together in an athletic contest."
The NFL championship game has, over the decades, evolved into much more than an athletic contest, becoming a corporate celebration that overshadows the on-field action.

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