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tr.v. as·sev·er·at·ed, as·sev·er·at·ing, as·sev·er·ates
To declare seriously or positively; affirm.

[Latin assevērāre, assevērāt- : ad-, ad- + sevērus, serious; see segh- in Indo-European roots.]

as·sev′er·a′tion n.
as·sev′er·a′tive (-ə-rā′tĭv, -ər-ə-tĭv) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


characterized by or relating to solemn declaration or affirmation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Both his title and the fact that he appears in the asseverative oath of MDP 23 248 (23) imply that he ruled over Susa.
(34) Her sister [...] by name (Sa suer par non 1096): although the line is metrically complete, it is possible that the sister's name has been in some way omitted (unless the phrase 'par non' has here a purely asseverative or intensifying function: other examples of the phrase in the poem--at lines 745, 1237, and 1323--are not conclusive).
marry, int[erjection], b., with asseverative words, lists Cod's marry.
Edzard 2012), a topic not covered in this study, even though Cohen devotes some space to conditional structures with modal and asseverative particles.
(2) Scholars have long observed that in certain contexts, the Hebrew negative interrogative seems to warrant an asseverative meaning.
5) refers to the negative forms in the asseverative paradigm in OB.
In particular, three of the most common features of oaths have eluded proper explanation: (a) the phrase "Thus will DN do (to PN) and thus will he add (to PN)" has been analyzed as the apodosis of the following protasis, usually formulated with 'inz (e.g., "if ['im] I do X"); (b) the word Id has frequently been analyzed as an asseverative particle ("indeed"), or even as a conditional particle (cf.
In spite of claims since antiquity that the Homeric particle results from the univerbation of the elided clitic conjunction [tau][epsilon] and the apocopated asseverative particle [alpha][rho][alpha] (e.g., Dunkel 2008), there is no compelling evidence for this development.
anga: The German is fine: "(Partikel mit versichernde Bedeutung) doch; gewiss; gerade." But the sense of 'doch' that this word may signal is not 'however', as it is rendered in English (which is the antithesis of asseveration), but rather the strongly asseverative 'certainly' (incorrect translation).
The type c paronomastic infinitive (Cohen 2004: [section]3) is used like the asseverative, for insistence, as well as for rhetorical concessives (which is what we have here; see Cohen 2005a: 60-65).
The third subtype, however, is distinct from the first two subtypes, in constituting one, rather than two entities: the entire construction is often interchangeable with an asseverative form (lu aprus).
This initial consideration leads him to examine not just emphatic (asseverative and precative) particles in related languages, but also such apparently unrelated phenomena as the waw-consecutive construct in Hebrew, and (in the most speculative area) the development of the West Semitic definite article itself from a proto-emphatic particle.