

(Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) resembling an arrow
(Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) in a manner that resembles an arrow
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Tomlin terrorised the Terriers and they were rattled - he unlocked their defence with reverse passes, arrowlike cross-field balls and a deadly setpiece.
Such neo-Darwinian iterations of vitalism, as well as of Lamarckism, were often, then, theories of orthogenesis: theories that held that evolution, arrowlike, moves toward a particular endpoint because of internal forces rather than the adaptive value of happenstance variations.
A pack of JNA foot soldiers were coming from the other side of the field now; there were at least twenty of them, running in a clean, arrowlike formation.
In "Confused" the artist deploys the arrowlike bands shooting from various directions, invoking a mind arrested in indecision, as though he was being pulled one way and then, as abruptly, redirected elsewhere.
Audi has been at the vanguard of innovative exterior lighting design for the last few years, and the Shooting Brake affirms this reputation with four arrowlike LED headlamp elements, set like ice cubes in their bezels.
Last November, Saracens beat a depleted Leicester 22-16 in Watford mainly due to the arrowlike boot of Kiwi fly-half Glen Jackson and the season before they lost out by a solitary point in a 12-13 loss at the Hertfordshire venue.
145-146, where the lizard is regarded as a symbol of the sun), and Apollo is a friend to the lizard, not an enemy, awakening and stimulating it after winter (when lizards, it was said, go torpid and blind) with his own symbol, an arrowlike beam of light held in his right hand.
Sans intermission, well-paced tale has an arrowlike narrative trajectory that gradually becomes less comic and more tragic as it goes on.
All the men seemed to be working in the grain of their particular gifts--Fadeyev's aristocratic dispatch; Samodurov's compact landings, swiftly torqued; Vasili Scherbakov's arrowlike loft and eiderdown aplomb; Danila Korsuntsev's rangy grace.
In the dance, one dancer would throw arrowlike reeds at another, but the would-be target would catch them all and triumph, cheating death.
At the very least, the materiality of the wood lends the arrowlike bodies an organic dimension--an aspect that relativizes the fact that the works have their basis in the exactitude of computer-assisted mathematical calculation, even if this materiality can only be guessed at beneath the perfectly smooth enamel.