

1. (Military) originating from or related to the sale of army surplus
2. (Clothing & Fashion) originating from or related to the sale of army surplus
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Even though he can still rock with the best, it's the quieter moments that Hackett's melodic and soulful playing comes to the fore and with vocalist Nad Sylvan sounding uncannily like the Gabriel of old, if you close your eyes for a second you can easily imagine a sea of army-surplus greatcoats, long hair and the musty smell of petunia oil wafting over you, which was standard rock gig issue, back in the day.
NIGHT AFTER COLD WINTER NIGHT Woody Guthrie sat huddled in an army-surplus tunic at the kitchen table, typing on the Smith-Corona.
For those who don't know, it isn't about binning the Atkins diet and switching to living on army-surplus ration packs and Mars bars.
In spite of the grim references, in the most evolved reliefs, to war machines and the detritus of the military-industrial complex (some are fabricated out of army-surplus stock), they are rich with the material pleasure of deteriorated things.
For ultimate impact, wear your combats and army-surplus jackets with sexy black and killer heels.
Incidentally, a handy, if heavy, dry box for storing dry goods can be adapted from an Army-surplus ammo carrier.
LEFT Army-surplus jacket, pounds 24.75, Laurence Corner; crushed satin top, from a selection, John Rocha at Fenwick; earrings, from a selection, Tatty Devine.
He travels to the United States with Halldor as companion in order to acquire army-surplus transport jets.

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