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Of or having to do with an archbishop or an archbishopric.

[Medieval Latin archiepiscopālis, from Late Latin archiepiscopus, archbishop; see archbishop.]

ar′chi·e·pis′co·pal′i·ty (-păl′ĭ-tē) n.
ar′chi·e·pis′co·pate n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌɑːkɪɪˈpɪskəpɪt; -ˌpeɪt) or


(Ecclesiastical Terms) the rank, office, or term of office of an archbishop
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The collection was inscribed to Jin' Barthold of Breitenberg, an employee of the General Vicariate of the Prague Archiepiscopate, who was also a prolific writer and poet.
The order of destruction of the Izvorul Tamaduirii Church was communicated, like in the case of most of the destroyed churches, by the Archiepiscopate of Bucharest directly to the vicar, by mail, the monument disappearing completely on the days of August 4, 5 and 6 of 1984.
He details its origins as Augustine's archiepiscopate in 597, the Norman building, the early Gothic cathedral, changes during the later Medieval era, and the building from the Tudor Age to the twentieth century, as well as the conservation program since 1945 (in a chapter by an additional contributor).
(88) Nonetheless, a work with Duck's name on it traced the characteristics of the reformed episcopate back to the fifteenth century and to the archiepiscopate of Henry Chichele, a fifteenth-century archbishop.
Beginning in Vasilii Kalika's archiepiscopate, however, the archbishops began to patronize civil construction projects beyond the Detinets.
She returned to school to hand the Archiepiscopate back to Dr Williams at 3pm.
But among many such, there are perceptive accounts of the problems he faced early on in his archiepiscopate, particularly in the abortive metropolitical visitation of 1534-35; the series of disciplinary cases that confronted him, involving Elizabeth Barton (the `Maid of Kent'), the evangelicals John Frith and John Lambert, and later (in Edward's reign) those surrounding religious radicals such as Joan Bocher and other dissidents which may (as he suggests) have a bearing on Cranmer's conduct in the crisis over the consecration of John Hooper.
Villagomez revitalized the Extirpation in the middle of the seventeenth century after it had been out of favour for almost three decades.(15) Yet even though Villagomez's long archiepiscopate saw the most intense and prolonged persecution of the central practices of Andean religion that the region had ever known, not all churchmen supported him.
He can have been in no doubt as to the era of Dunstan's archiepiscopate (959-88)(10) and his remark may give rise to the suspicion that this was a much older manuscript which had been pressed back into service by Dunstan during his time at Canterbury.
The chronicler wrote that "they convened a veche and began by choosing from among the hieromonks [monks who are ordained priests] three candidates for the archiepiscopate and drawing lots." (31) Thus, while the chronicles often do not explain well the process of narrowing the field of archiepiscopal candidates to three, it would seem that the previous archbishop or the veche carried out the naming of candidates.