appraisal drilling

appraisal drilling

(Mining & Quarrying) (in the oil industry) drilling carried out once oil or gas has been discovered in order to assess the extent of the field, the reserves, the possible rate of production, and the properties of the oil or gas
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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IOG also gave an update on plans for its Harvey prospect which is expected to start appraisal drilling next week by the Maersk Resilient rig.
'We also continue to advance towards- the start of the appraisal drilling programme on Ogo in OPL 310.
On completion at Sol-1 the drilling rig on CPO-5 will return to Indico for appraisal drilling that has the potential to increase reserves and production from the field," said Chief Executive Officer John Wardle.
This natural gas could "easily support an offshore field development" according to a company statement, which continued that Merak-1's success would be followed up by additional exploration and appraisal drilling works.
If Merak-1 is successful, additional exploration and appraisal drilling will follow, it stated.
This would include exploratory as well as appraisal drilling.
However, it is also estimated that the total reserve in the area has the potential to increase to between 600 to 1,000mmboe, and would provide successful appraisal drilling activity, as data analysis and appraisal drilling are currently ongoing at the Pecan South and East.
The company said focus of the work programme in Blocks 3&4 is continued development and appraisal drilling, upgrading of production facilities and other infrastructure, new seismic acquisition and drilling of exploration wells.
Now, studies for commercialising Alta will be progressed to determine additional appraisal drilling requirements and the optimal development concept, the company added.
Drilling on the first three development wells has begun, following appraisal drilling on Ghazeer last year.
Additional exploration drilling is planned on the Stabroek Block for 2018, including potential appraisal drilling at the Ranger discovery.

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