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(Cooking) a cocktail consisting of vodka and apple juice with apple cider, apple brandy, or apple liqueur, and sometimes vermouth
[from apple + Martini1 (sense 2)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Or try the Dirty Leprechaun ($6.50), Irish Mule ($8), Irish coffee ($8), Irish Appletini ($10), Irish Car Bomb ($8), Guinness ($6.50), Jell-O Shots ($4), Jameson Shots ($5) and more.
(Some choice examples: For Mean Girls, a butterscotch appletini called "Is Butter a Carb?" and a spicy margarita called "Burn Book"; for Travesties the Joyce Julep, a whiskey drink with cucumber, lime juice, and ginger beer.)
We rounded off with some dessert cocktails - creme a la Edmond with dark rum, and Kahlua and a caramel appletini, then had a coffee before getting a taxi to the hotel.
Peachy Keen joins Jevo's nine other exciting flavor varieties, which include Margarita Limeville, Watermelon Wave, Birthday Cake, Strawberry Lemonade, Wild Cherry, Orange Blossom, Appletini, Lemon Burst, and Pina Colada.
Perhaps it's time to move on from the appletini to the real thing?
The younger generation have come up with innovative ideas that appeal to the youth market, such as Gaz, strawberry margarita and green appletini mixtures of fruits and tequila; and El Hombre tequila and margarita mix for young adults.
The drink deserves major credit for ushering in the era of fruity and dessert Martinis like the Appletini and the Chocolate Martini, and fueling interest in new spirits and different flavors.
12.04 (450m): Marlfield Luke, Suncroft Pat, Tenerifevalencia, Mill Appletini (M), Global Aside (M), Head Iton Daniel (W).
My friend absolutely loves the Appletini and goes in for seconds and we get in some oregano chili lime grilled fish spiedini (Rs.
12.04 (450m): Spice of India, Toucan Tango, Mill Appletini (M), Caulry Sue (M), Ruby's Blunder (M), Dreamsdocometrue (M).
Fragrances that will he available starting spring/summer 2013 are: Vanilla Creme Cosmo, Salted Lime Margarita, Frosted Mango Daiquiri, Mixed Berry Spritzer, Fresh Peach Sangria, Bahama Dream Bellini and Red Appletini Royal.
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