

(of a provision or protection) acting to prevent a company from issuing equity at a low valuation
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References in periodicals archive ?
It should be emphasized that mixed micelles have received much attention due to increasing physical stability, improving drug-loading capacities, and enhancing antidilution ability compared with polymeric micelles for drug delivery [13].
(279) In this respect, the function of antidilution proscriptions aligns with the conventional signaling function.
Welkowitz, Preemption, Extraterritoriality, and the Problem of State Antidilution Laws, 67 Tul.
2014) (describing remedies under the federal antidilution statute).
Other common minority shareholder rights are tagalong rights, antidilution rights, and remedies in the event of a breach or default.
1.305-7(b)(1) provides that a change in the conversion ratio of convertible stock or convertible securities under a bona fide and reasonable adjustment formula will not be considered to result in a deemed distribution of stock if it has the effect of preventing dilution of the interest of the holders of the convertible stock or securities (the antidilution exception).
Our analysis suggests that PIPE contracts often include many of the same protections that are found in contracts between venture capitalists and private entrepreneurial companies including special dividend rights, antidilution rights, first refusal rights, and redemption rights (Kaplan and Stromberg, 2003).
VCs typically receive convertible preferred stock with attached cash flow contingencies such as liquidation preferences, cumulative dividends, redemption rights, and antidilution protection.
(77.) Barton Beebe, A Defense of the New Federal Trademark Antidilution Law, 16 FORDHAM INTELL.