antiarrhythmic medication

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Related to antiarrhythmic medication: Antiarrhythmic drugs, amiodarone, Sotalol
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.antiarrhythmic medication - a drug used to treat an abnormal heart rhythmantiarrhythmic medication - a drug used to treat an abnormal heart rhythm
amiodarone, Cordarone - an antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Cordarone) that has potentially fatal side effects and is used to control serious heart rhythm problems only when safer agents have been ineffective
encainide, Enkaid - antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Enkaid) used to treat life-threatening arrhythmias but increases the risk of sudden death in heart attack patients
flecainide, Tambocor - oral antiarrhythmic medication (trade name Tambocor) used as a last resort in treating arrhythmias; increases the risk of sudden death in heart attack patients
medicament, medication, medicinal drug, medicine - (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease
mexiletine, Mexitil - antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Mexitil) used to treat ventricular arrhythmias
Quinidex, quinidine, Quinora - cardiac drug (trade names Quinidex and Quinora) used to treat certain heart arrhythmias
tocainide, Tonocard - antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Tonocard) used to treat ventricular arrhythmias when less dangerous drugs have failed
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References in periodicals archive ?
Further, only 3 patients in sinus rhythm remained on antiarrhythmic medication at the completion of the study.
After leaving the intensive care unit antiarrhythmic medication (primarily amiodarone or sotalol) is reintroduced.
Similarly, many (66%) were on an antiarrhythmic medication at the time of evaluation for the ablation procedure (although all antiarrhythmic medication was held prior to the procedure), which included flecainide (32.4%), sotalol (19.4%), amiodarone (16.7%), dronedarone (13.0%), propafenone (9.3%), dofetilide (6.5%), and diltiazem (2.8%).
At 2 years of follow-up, 42 of these 72 patients were on disease-modifying therapies beyond lifestyle interventions, most commonly ablation procedures or antiarrhythmic medication.
Due to amiodarone toxicity, it was decided that the patient would discontinue use of the antiarrhythmic medication and undergo electrophysiology study and ablation.
Up to 90 percent of patients who develop Tosades de Pointes with concurrent use of non antiarrhythmic medication, including Psychotropic medication, have been shown to have a QTc greater than 500msec.2 This further demonstrates the link between prolongation of QTc and this potentially fatal arrhythmia.
When the first line of therapy for the treatment of paroxysmal AF using antiarrhythmic medication is ineffective, RF ablation is currently recommended as a second line of therapy for long-term cardiac arrhythmia control.
12%), and to be on an antiarrhythmic medication (5% vs.
No specific antiarrhythmic medication has been recommended in the guidelines for HCM in particular.
Eighty-nine percent of these patients were prescribed antiarrhythmic medications. The rates of ventricular arrhythmic episode days was higher among those prescribed digoxin (1.68/pyr) or other antiarrhythmics (1.45/pyr) than among those prescribed beta-blockers (0.92/pyr) or no regular antiarrhythmic medication (0.88/pyr).
Sustained tachycardia requires termination by antiarrhythmic medication, antitachvcardia pacing techniques, or electrical cardioversion.