
Related to anthroposociology: anthropobiology


the sociological study of race using anthropological methods. — anthroposociological, adj.
See also: Race
the study of the effects upon each other of environment and race. — anthroposociologic, anthroposociological, adj.
See also: Environment
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The Journal of Political Economy published "an outpouring" of articles in the field of "anthroposociology." Scholars calculated a "cephalic index" (the ratio of head width to head length) and used it to "scientifically demonstrate a permanent race hierarchy"--in particular, that superior races had longer heads (71-72).
In the first years of the Annee sociologique, of course, even the Durkheimians allocated space to Lapouge, though they removed the "anthroposociology" heading by 1901.
(61) On the whole the editorial staff of the Revue, including Lambert and Duprat, criticized the extremist anthroposociology of Lapouge and discarded conventional anthropological assumptions.