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Related to anomic: anomic aphasia


Aphasia characterized by the impaired ability to recall the names of persons and things.

[a- + Latin nōmen, name; see nō̆-men- in Indo-European roots + -ia.]

a·nom′ic (ə-nŏm′ĭk, ə-nō′mĭk) adj.


or an·o·my  (ăn′ə-mē)
1. Social instability caused by erosion of standards and values.
2. Alienation and purposelessness experienced by a person or a class as a result of a lack of standards, values, or ideals: "We must now brace ourselves for disquisitions on peer pressure, adolescent anomie and rage" (Charles Krauthammer).

[French, from Greek anomiā, lawlessness, from anomos, lawless : a-, without; see a-1 + nomos, law; see nem- in Indo-European roots.]

a·nom′ic (ə-nŏm′ĭk, ə-nō′mĭk) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.anomic - socially disorientedanomic - socially disoriented; "anomic loners musing over their fate"; "we live in an age of rootless alienated people"
unoriented - not having position or goal definitely set or ascertained; "engaged in unoriented study"; "unoriented until she looked at the map"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Abandoning federal micromanagement of education has a hidden benefit: helping to reinvigorate American democracy in an age of increasingly anomic and media-driven politics.
By using the term fluent aphasia, Edwards claims to include all of the fluent aphasic syndromes (Wernicke's, conduction, anomic, and transcortical sensory), but really only presents examples of Wernicke's aphasia.
Agamben follows Benjamin here and suggests that, because the state of exception is the 'anomic' space from which any legal order emerges at all, it is no longer even possible to return to liberal democracy: 'From the real state of exception in which we live, it is not possible to return to the state of law, for at issue now are the very concepts of "state" and "law"' (SE 87).
For example, McNeil and colleagues applied Lexical-Semantic Activation Inhibition Treatment (L-SAIT) to retrieval of verbs, nouns, and adjectives with a participant with anomic aphasia [11].
In line with the point above about daydreams having the dual effect of enhancing both resistance and adjustment by workers to the dictates of work, Sitas argues, drawing from his previous research findings on black workers in South Africa, that they (black workers) responded to the anomic and alienating workplace pressures through defensive combinations which in turn gave rise to the cultural formations with definitive influence on identities, behaviour and practice.
The book tries to hagiographize Thomas, an anomic writer of little renown, beforehand, into death's equivalent of Ring Lardner, the famed sportswriter, or H.L.
Nonetheless, the accompanying detailed discussions on violence in everyday life--as entertainment, or as anomic expressions of humiliation or stress--communicates the author's grim impressions of our psychological selves.
As the nihilism of that market becomes more visible, and as its anomic effect on Western life is shown up by the levels of solidarity and meaning visible in cultures--Islamic, Hindu and others--that retain a religious dimension (whatever else they may lack) there is an ever-shriller attempt to impose a Christian god on a culture that is economic-ally dependent on the unbounded manufacture and pursuit of desire--however violent, pornographic and exploitative that desire may be.
The following four faculty centered themes were uncovered in the analysis: (1) oversight, (2) grades, (3) situational themes, and (4) anomic themes.
It begins with what Deleuze and Guattari call the "anomic." This "anomic" is an "exceptional individual" (243), but it is not exceptional in the sense that it is absolutely outside the law of the group or existing community.
This judgement would seem to be implicit in Bonomi's characterization of post-Fordism as an anomic condition in the Weberian sense: