annus mirabilis

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annus mi·rab·i·lis

n. pl. anni mi·ra·bi·les (mĭ-răb′ə-lēz)
A year notable for disasters or wonders; a fateful year: "Hungary's blood bath was the saddest event in that annus mirabilis" (C.L. Sulzberger).

[New Latin annus mīrābilis : Latin annus, year + Latin mīrābilis, wondrous.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

annus mirabilis

(ˈænʊs mɪˈræbɪlɪs)
n, pl anni mirabiles (ˈænaɪ mɪˈræbɪliːz)
a year of wonders, catastrophes, or other notable events
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

an•nus mi•ra•bi•lis

(ˈɑn nʊs mɪˈrɑ bɪ lɪs; Eng. ˈæn əs məˈræb ə lɪs)

n., pl. an•ni mi•ra•bi•les (ˈɑn ni mɪˈrɑ bɪˌlɛs; Eng. ˈæn aɪ məˈræb əˌliz, ˌæn i)
a year of wonders; wonderful year.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

annus mirabilis

A Latin phrase meaning year of wonders, used to mean a year in which many wonderful things happened.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Early in his career he composed (in pentameter quatrains of alternate rime, like Gray's 'Elegy') 'Annus Mirabilis' (The Wonderful Year--namely 1666), a long and vigorous though far from faultless narrative of the war with the Dutch and of the Great Fire of London.
In science, 1905 is known as the annus mirabilis, or 'miracle year,' the period when Albert Einstein, at the age of 26, published several discoveries that changed physics forever.
--"Annus Mirabilis (Anus Horribilis)," by Aleksey Lukyanov
Let's hope that Pulis can make 2018 an Annus Mirabilis!
Depending on how things turned out for you this year, it is either annus horribilis (or horrible), or annus mirabilis (or wonderful).
It might seem that our annus mirabilis was 2013, when we scooped no fewer than eight awards, including two Queen's Awards and the prize that is probably the most prestigious in the sector, the Times Higher Education title of University of the Year.
Among the topics are from east to west 1930-54, 1962 the annus mirabilis, the emblematic stage 1963-64, explorations in opera and dance 1965-68, the curse of Broadway, City Opera to the Met 1970-74, the monumental and the minuscule from K2 to the Kremlin 1982-85, new paths in dance 1973-2003, and new directions 1994-2004.
A progressive young horse (Many Clouds), a trainer back in the big time (Oliver Sherwood), due reward for an owner of long standing (Trevor Hemmings), and the annus mirabilis of a veteran jockey (Leighton Aspell).
In his 2011 annus mirabilis, the 25-year-old won titles in Madrid and Rome in a run of seven successive victories over his rival.
SIR Dave Brailsford received personal recognition for overseeing British cycling's annus mirabilis when he was presented with his knighthood at Buckingham Palace yesterday.
EMILY Smith's annus mirabilis continued in Norway last week when the Birmingham teenager won her first ITF tournament.