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Related to ancientness: Ancientry

an·cient 1

1. Of, relating to, or belonging to times long past, especially before the fall of the Western Roman Empire (ad 476): ancient cultures. See Synonyms at old.
2. Of great age; very old: "The males live up to six months—positively ancient, for a bee" (Elizabeth Royte).
3. Archaic Having the qualities associated with age, wisdom, or long use; venerable: "You seem a sober, ancient Gentleman by your habit" (Shakespeare).
1. A very old person.
2. A person who lived in times long past.
3. ancients
a. The peoples of the classical nations of antiquity.
b. The ancient Greek and Roman authors.

[Middle English auncien, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *anteānus : Latin ante, before; see ant- in Indo-European roots + -ānus, adj. and n. suff.]

an′cient·ly adv.
an′cient·ness n.

an·cient 2

1. Archaic An ensign; a flag.
2. Obsolete A flag-bearer or lieutenant.

[Alteration of ensign.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.ancientness - extreme oldnessancientness - extreme oldness      
oldness - the quality of being old; the opposite of newness
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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References in classic literature ?
And Jerry, far-journeyer across life and across the history of all life that goes to make the world, strugglingly mastering the abysmal slime of the prehistoric with the love that had come into existence and had become warp and woof of him in far later time, his wrath of ancientness still faintly reverberating in his throat like the rumblings of a passing thunder-storm, knew, in the wide warm ways of feeling, the augustness and righteousness of Skipper.
But for now, the mud under our feet was slick and smooth, the air steamy and smelling of ancientness. The trees above did their nervous shimmer.
He concluded the seminar by saying that Gurukul Education comprises the goodness of modernity and ancientness, so this system will be effective in establishing such a society in the future, where the love for every creature, nature and the source of both, the Supreme God will be of paramount importance and thereby solving other problems will be easy.
"I hope that her wardrobe reflects that kind of ancientness. I hope I haven't said too much.
Rough and irregular, the objects have an aura of earthy, excavated ancientness despite their unmistakably synthetic character.
Here, I could feel the ancientness of the earth beneath my feet, I could see the stories of the past in the ruins of the once great cities, and as I closed my eyes, I could almost hear the salat of the faithful who had stood here before me being carried in the wind.
Al Yahya praising his cultural programme that takes pride in the Arab history and contributes to enlightening the public opinion about the originality and ancientness of this history.
Ever enchanted by the river and valley, I have sat often on her banks and marveled at the reverence I feel, a sense of ancientness which transcends mere logic.
Film critic Luca Pellegrini called the film a portrait of "today's Turkey in its most profound sense," adding, "It is this sense of ancientness terribly clashing with the present that the film [depicts] in an unforgettable way."