anchor baby

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anchor baby

n. Offensive
Used as a disparaging term for a child born to a noncitizen mother in a country that grants automatic citizenship to children born on its soil, especially when the child's birthplace is thought to have been chosen in order to improve the mother's or other relatives' chances of securing eventual citizenship.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Another term that is closely associated with "birth tourism" is "anchor baby" which refers to the offspring of a woman who is not a citizen of the country where the child was born in.
Trump voiced his theory that birthright citizenship could be stripped during his campaign, when he described it as a "magnet for illegal immigration." During a 2015 campaign stop in Florida, he said: "The birthright citizenship - the anchor baby - birthright citizenship, it's over, not going to happen."
Anchor Baby produced by Lonzo Nzekwe also made over N17m in 2013.
Even more surprising is the fact that not only does giving birth grant a child American citizenship, it also affords the undocumented parent the opportunity to become a legal resident as well; hence the term, "anchor baby".
Accusations that Latino "anchor baby" parents mooch off American taxpayers are also greatly exaggerated if not false.
"He scoffed at those who have accused him of not understanding foreign policy, saying he knows more about Daesh terrorists "than the generals do." He took credit for predicting the threat of Osama bin Laden and being right on the "anchor baby situation," a position he says "these great geniuses from Harvard Law School" now back.
citizenship to acquire permanent legal residency for themselves --the "anchor baby" phenomenon -Liu did not necessarily seek to emigrate to America, herself.
If an immigrant's "anchor baby" is disabled, they can apply for and get Social Security Disability Insurance within six months, whereas it takes most U.S.
Jeb Bush Gets Testy Over "Anchor Baby" Questions, by Patrick Svitek - Former Florida Gov.
The term "anchor baby," however, is a misnomer to the extent that it implies that by having a baby in the US, temporary or illegal immigrants can "anchor" themselves in this country.