amphibious operation

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amphibious operation

A military operation launched from the sea by an amphibious force, embarked in ships or craft with the primary purpose of introducing a landing force ashore to accomplish the assigned mission. See also amphibious force; landing force; mission; operation.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.amphibious operation - a military operation by both land and sea forces
military operation, operation - activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign); "it was a joint operation of the navy and air force"
amphibious demonstration - an amphibious operation conducted for the purpose of deceiving the enemy and leading him into a course of action unfavorable to him
amphibious assault - an amphibious operation attacking a land base that is carried out by troops that are landed by naval ships
armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
For instance, without knowledge of tidal conditions, currents, the composition and slope of a beach, or the location of underwater obstructions and mines, amphibious operations can be doomed to failure before they begin.
Understanding the coastal characteristics of Sorong especially related to determine the landing beach is a should be for landing troop element in order to carry out the task of amphibious operations, especially to determine the ideal landing beach location [3], [2].
The fact that the Anzac relationship was founded on an amphibious operation is symbolic, but in a practical sense is irrelevant.
Bartlett and Sweetman do an admirable job of detailing these events, particularly in shedding light on the organization and operations of the Confederate Marines as well as the many amphibious operations conducted by the US Marine Corps across the globe during the nineteenth century.
For the post-WWII period, in addition to a chapter on Korea, Ian Speller traces the development of the British seaborne and airborne doctrinal concept through the 1956 Suez amphibious operation that demonstrated that mere maneuver is not the same as maneuver warfare, and then the 1961 reinforcement of Kuwait to forestall an Iraqi invasion.
South Korea's military yesterday ignored criticism from Pyongyang to re-enact the Incheon Landing, which tur-ned the tide in the 1950-1953 war with North Korea.More than 370 South Korean troops, including Marines, re-enacted the 1950 amphibious operation after organisers laid a wreath at the statue of its mastermind, US General Douglas MacArthur.In a daring operation, US Marines landed behind enemy lines to end a series of victories by invading North Korean troops.
Blake notes that few charts survive that were actually used during a sea battle, but he has found many that supplement a report on a battle or amphibious operation. The selection of illustrations looks at the many purposes of the chart of war: its use for attack and defence in amphibious operations and in naval tactics; as the tool of propaganda and planning; of report, justification and excuse; and of intelligence.
During amphibious operation, the four-speed manual transmission that drives a two-speed transfer box for the part-time four-wheel drive is placed in neutral.
Mortar boats were nearly perfect for their intended mission--to provide indirect-fire support during the most vulnerable time of the amphibious operation. Working with Colonel Unmacht, the Navy developed both landing craft, tanks (LCTs) and landing craft, infantry (LCI) retrofitted with 4.2 mortars.
What became known as Passchendaele was originally to have been the first combined amphibious operation on the coast of Western Europe.
However, the complexity of such an amphibious operation would include extremely high risks.

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