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a drug with several uses, most commonly prescribed to treat depression
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With regard to antidepressants, amitryptyline was determined to have inconsistent benefits in the treatment of PLP [10, 13, 15, 21, and 22].
Regarding safety of anti-migraine medications, an article written by Parsekyan in the year 2000 listed among other possible adverse side effects the following: Bradycardia and bronchospasm for propanolol; seizures and tremors for amitryptyline; tremors, ataxia and hepatotoxicity for valproic acid; hypotension and peripheral edema for verapamil and erosive gastritis and peptic ulceration for NSAIDS.
First Line AgentsX Triyclic antidepressant (amitryptyline, imipramine, nortryptiline and desipramine) Several well designed studies have proven the efficacy of tricyclic antidepresssants in the treatment of diabetic neuropathic pain.
Determination of chlorprothixene and amitryptyline hydrochlorides by UVderivative spectrophotometry and UV-solid-phase spectrophotometry.
Some students received propranolol (34.4%), amitryptyline (22.3%), flunarizine (25.9%), cyproheptadine (19.6%) in different combinations.