alternate command post

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alternate command post

Any location designated by a commander to assume command post functions in the event the command post becomes inoperative. It may be partially or fully equipped and manned or it may be the command post of a subordinate unit.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
FM 54-30 discusses the use of a tactical logistics operations center forward or an alternate command post to overcome problems created by rapid movement mad loss of communication with subordinate elements.
Logistical supervisors should consider the availability of a mobile or alternate command post. They also should address housing and feeding participants, providing transportation, and supporting the day-to-day operation of the plan.
Following this, the author explains all of the aspects of conducting a safe, effective, rapid evacuation, from fairly obvious requirements--choosing a route for evacuees to depart and accounting for all personnel--to not so obvious details, such as the need to avoid parking lots and the establishment of alternate command posts, and stresses the need for practicing bomb threat evacuation drills.
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