alt text

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alt text

Text that appears describing an image on a website when the cursor hovers over it.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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* Images should include alt text in the markup/code; complex images should have more extensive descriptions near the image (perhaps as a caption or descriptive summaries built right into a neighboring paragraph)
If fact, Facebook's mobile apps already have alt text and closed captions to live videos for users with impairments.
The faculty member, not technical staff, would best determine what Alt text would be relevant to the content of the course being taught.
The only thing was, I couldn't see his picture; a screen reader cannot read images unless it has a written image description or an alt text. When I scrolled over his image, I heard only silence.
In terms of accessibility, Digital Concert Hall provides alt text for images which is standard practice for facilitating access via screen readers.
If a picture shows a couple overlooking the ocean while wearing sunglasses, for instance, the new alt text will look something like this: "This image may contain: two people, smiling, sunglasses, sky, outdoor, water."
Facebook also added that over two billion photos are shared across Facebook or its supported channels such as Instagram, WhatsApp or MessengerHowever, those with varying degrees of visual impairments or are blind had access to none of these though things seem to be changing at last.Developed by Facebook's accessibility team headed by Jeff Wieland, Automatic alt text will first be rolled out on iOS before reaching out to Android or the web.
Here is a look at just a few of the biggest features and API changes in this month's release, Support of Fast Extraction of Plain Text from flow-format Documents, Support of Axis Logarithmic Scale, Introduced PageSavingCallback for all fixed-page Save Formats, introduced Paragraph.IsFormatRevision and Inline.IsFormatRevision Properties, introduced Shape.Title Property to Get-Set Alt Text Title Property of Shape and improved Font substitution.
The Image ALT text is used for a very short description of an image, giving you another way to incorporate some of your target keywords.