afferent neuron

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Related to afferent neuron: afferent pathway
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.afferent neuron - a neuron conducting impulses inwards to the brain or spinal cordafferent neuron - a neuron conducting impulses inwards to the brain or spinal cord
nerve cell, neuron - a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses
afferent, afferent nerve, sensory nerve - a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system
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References in periodicals archive ?
Human electricity energy is made by chemical phases in afferent neuron. Billions of nerve impulses travel throughout all the human mind and nerves.
The lack of neurochemical consider the afferent neuron is also one of the possible causes of this disease.
Increased NGF has been demonstrated in the bladder, dorsal root ganglia, and spinal cord following SCI, and administration of exogenous NGF to the bladder or spinal cord can in animals induce detrusor overactivity and increase bladder afferent neuron excitability [4, 13].
Human electricity energy is made by chemical phases in afferent neuron. Billions of nerve impulses take a trip during all the human mind and nerves.
Various molecules have been identified as afferent neuron transmitters in vertebrates and invertebrates.
In higher organisms, proton-mediated signaling has been found to mediate fear-conditioned learning, retinal cell activation, cochlear and vestibular afferent neuron synaptic activation, and synaptic transmission in the calyx of Held in the auditory system [8-12].
Sadly, the condition usually go undetected as a lot of client will not really feel any kind of pain because of lack of afferent neuron in the large intestine.
These data indicated that TRPA1 activation in primary afferent neurons might induce SP release, which can elicit neurogenic inflammation, as well as promote duodenal lesions.
Painful cutaneous or deep tissue stimulation from the periphery reaches spinal cord dorsal horn neurons via primary afferent neurons (a separate group of primary afferent neurons innervate viscera [19]).