advisory teacher

advisory teacher

(Education) Brit a teacher who visits schools to advise teachers on curriculum developments within a particular subject area
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The autism advisory teacher said: "The transformation has been remarkable.
Elfair Roberts, Welsh Language Advisory Teacher, Flintshire, also teaches on the course.
Respected teacher at schools including; Warwick Road, Cleveland Grammar, Rye Hills, Redcar and latte lat rly Advisory teacher for Cleveland.
|Queen's Mrs Morris, who is married to Ray, has worked for Kirklees Council for 40 years and was an advisory teacher for several years before taking up her post at Netherton.
The advisory teacher acts as a mentor, and closely monitors student progress while teaching skills important to online learning, such as creating a schedule for class work.
After participating in the CI, he writes from a personal perspective about what might keep him from achieving: "Probably my behavior and attitude towards a lot of work." He continues by trying to communicate what he's learned about himself: "When I get stressed out with a lot of work, I go crazy and mad." In this example, the student and advisory teacher get a glimpse of some of the complex feelings that go into the "lower grades" that worry the student.
With the introduction of the new consortium on September 1, Cardiff's Welsh teachers in secondary schools will lose their advisory teacher who provides training courses and in-school support.
as well as planning lessons with the advisory teacher, the classroom teacher could also sit in on the lessons directed by the advisory teacher and follow them up with their own lessons, also developed as a team.
Teacher trainees, an advisory teacher, an art education instructor, and a lecturer (as supervisor) worked together to involve young children in interesting and creative land art activities.
Herbert is a learning needs advisory teacher in London.
Ian Colthart, North Tyneside Council's music advisory teacher and organiser of the performance, said: "The opportunities provided through TALENT for young people in North Tyneside have been the springboard for further career development.
Advisory teacher PE Julie Fraser worked alongside St Aidan's Primary School to produce the exercise workout on DVD for all primary and special schools across the area.

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