actor's agent

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:'s agent - a business agent for an actoractor's agent - a business agent for an actor  
business agent - an agent who handles business affairs for another; especially one who deals with employers
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References in periodicals archive ?
And Michaels, who also received a similarly optimistic text from the actor's agent, sounds pretty confident it's a done deal.
The actor's agent Mitchell Stubbs confirmed Saturday night in an email that Stiers died after battling bladder cancer.
First-time feature director Neel Kumar remembers tracking down the actor's agent on website IMDB, and fancifully sending over a screenplay.
The actor's agent, John S Kelly,confirmedhehaddied of natural causes on Friday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles.
The actor's agent said in a statement: "Sadly, I can confirm the tragic death of John Michie's daughter, Louella, at Bestival."
But the actor's agent played down the danger, saying: "Hugh and Oscar are completely fine.
Douglas screened the film at his home last week and was "very, very pleased," says Fred Specktor, the actor's agent for three decades.
The actor's agent, Gar Lester said he found the allegations against his client hard to believe.
Philip Young, the actor's agent, revealed that he was heartbroken after finding out that J.J.
The British actor's agent Lynda Ronan said that Kelly died peacefully after a long illness he "bravely fought".
Linda Kremer, the actor's agent for 15 years, said: "Paul Shane was a consummate professional, a true gentleman, a good friend, and a joy to work with.
The actor's agent Bryn Newton said: "Even though he is a big guy they got him on the ground.