accordion file


accordion file

n (US) → Ordnungsmappe f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Find a cute accordion file to organize all your important school papers.
The lack of agreement, experts say, illustrates the folly of blind adherence to charts and graphs showing ideal and not-so-ideal body mass indexes." I didn't include Kolata's article in my four pound compendium to Nurse Ratched; only those articles that supported my support of using the "old" height made it into the brown accordion file (with the black rose) destined for her desk.
With accordion file in-hand, begin systematically searching for those elusive tax documents.
Cellfire--No need for an accordion file of paper scraps with this app that downloads grocery coupons direct to your mobile device or to your grocery member card.
Judy Davies, who teaches a blended first- and second-grade class at McCornack, bundles up all of them at the end of each school year, places them in an accordion file and adds it to an expansive and growing collection - 28 years' worth - in her garage.
If you have a shelf of three-inch binders at home, all with hole-punched reports on investment and other financial accounts, a stack of envelopes with new data still to be filed, a shoebox with utility bills, and an accordion file with medical bills, the reduction of all of this to the thin, half-inch thick, pocketable profile of a shiny iPhone might be very tempting.
I've waded through the bulging and ripped accordion file. And after much soul-searching I've plumped for a five-year fixed-rate mortgage.
I love the miniature accordion file ($10) that holds all my receipts and has a notepad to boot.
First, find an accordion file. Label the files from 0-9.
And the mother in this scenario (me) keeps detailed financial, legal, and household expense records for decades, all neatly filed in clearly marked month-by-month, year-by-year accordion file folders.
The Bamana women of Mali have produced photograph albums at pounds 6.95, a memo box at pounds 4.95 and an accordion file at pounds 7.95.
As he was being led out by three security guards -- with an accordion file tucked between his shackled wrists - Hirschfeld barked one reminder to his attorney, Robert Chira, to request that Lisa recuse himself from the case.