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Noun1.abscondment - the act of running away secretly (as to avoid arrest)abscondment - the act of running away secretly (as to avoid arrest)
defection, desertion, abandonment - withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility; "his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless"
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References in periodicals archive ?
While some colleagues accused him of abscondment, others alleged that he was protected by the vice-chancellor.
Their actions bordering on drug trafficking, overstaying or abscondment - have set off chains of negative reactions from the host country - the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
'Now interestingly, during evidence, accused Intizar stated that he owned property at Karachi and he was also local president of Awami National Party and he was also aware of arrest of Abid and his name in the instant FIR, but he failed to give any plausible explanation of his abscondment,' the judge observed.
Among issues raised at today's town hall meeting were the documentation applicable to foreign labour, worker abscondment, and the enforcement of immigration laws.
The most common adverse event was dangerous and aggressive behaviour (47.0%) followed by abscondment (43.0%) and adverse sexual behaviour (20.0%).
Victims were theoretically eligible for restitution, although it was extremely difficult to obtain due to a legal requirement delaying payment until after the completion of the trafficker's jail term; convicted traffickers' frequent abscondment further complicated this arrangement.
He said one of the appeals would be against former president Pervez Musharraf, whose case was delayed and then eventually put on back burner on the basis of abscondment.
Canon Thomas said: "The news of Richard Dennick's abscondment brought back a lot of pain, and reminded many of us of the sad, brutal event of Canon Alun Jones' killing.
Her abscondment prompted a large-scale search and she was returned to custody two days later after being found at a nearby Premier Inn Hotel.
Various problems for Ethiopian maids, including physical abuse and non- payment of salaries by employers, as well as abscondment, led to the Ethiopian government banning its nationals from applying for domestic-job work permits in the UAE last July.
During his years at large Bonomolo never lost contact with his family; indeed he used relatives to wire money and communicate with his gang's members during his abscondment.
Investigations finally disclosed that the young pupil in question was spotted in one coastal city and that he is known for his repeated abscondment from school, making plausible the assumption of his flight rather than his kidnapping.