Zionist movement

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Noun1.Zionist movement - a movement of world Jewry that arose late in the 19th century with the aim of creating a Jewish state in Palestine
social movement, movement, front - a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front"
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There is a huge Christian Zionist movement in the US whose votes their leaders are dependent on, and a strong Israel lobby.
The clip, posted by Al Jazeera's online AJ+ Arabic service, claimed "the narrative" that the Nazis killed six million Jews was "adopted by the Zionist movement." Six million Jews were systematically killed by the Nazis during World War II as part of a dedicated effort to wipe out Jewish life in Europe.
It is a truism that, whether or not the Zionist movement planned in advance to expel Palestinians and take their lands, without Zionism and its longing for self-determination in this specific territory, for which Jews feel a special affinity, the Nakba would never have happened.
"Jews in Medicine" concludes with a description of physicians who were leaders in the Zionist movement and those who contributed to the development of medicine in the State of Israel.
[Quotation]"the history of the Zionist movement has been centered on creating and preserving a Jewish State in Palestine...
His book, Enemies and Neighbours: Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel, 1917-2017, gives the reader a broad overview of the last 100 years of the conflict -- the consolidation of the Zionist movement; the infamous Balfour Declaration of 1917; the so-called Mandate Period; the establishment of the Zionist state and the resultant dispossession of the Palestinians; the Arab-Israeli wars; the daily humiliation inflicted by the occupation; and the apparent permanence of the status quo.
The State of Israel is the result of a Zionist movement officially started in Basel, Switzerland in 1897 with the purpose of creating a state for the Jews in Palestine, which at the time was under the Ottomans.
According to a press release, the party said that this decision has been made on the basis of information about Habib Kazdaghli's honorary presidency of a centre for historical studies reporting to the regional section of an association with ties to the Zionist movement and operates under the guise of a Tunisian association.
8 (Petra)- Head of the Jordanian-European Parliament Committee at the House, Khaled Bakar, said the conflict in Palestine is not religious as Israelis allege, but based on political interests of a Zionist movement perpetrating suppression against unarmed people.
Tzipi Livni, head of the Zionist movement, said that Abu Mazen's speech would not change anything in the policy of Israel, who seeks to separate itself from the Palestinians, even if unilaterally.