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the doctrines and practices of the Calixtins, a Hussite group demanding communion in both wafer and wine. — Utraquist, n. — Utraquistic, adj.
See also: Protestantism
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For the representatives of Czech Utraquism, Martin Luther's proclamation was first and foremost an opportunity to break free from international isolation and establish a number of new contacts.
Their topics include a world astir: Europe and religion in the early 15th century, Wyclif's early reception in Bohemia and his influence on the thought of Jerome of Prague, determinism between Oxford and Prague: the late Wyclif's retractions and their defense ascribed to Peter Payne, interpreting the intention of Christ: Roman responses to Bohemian utraquism from Constance to Basel, preparing for Easter: sermons on the Eucharist in English Wycliffite Sermons, and re-forming the life of Christ.
In the short period between the Austerlitz Colloquy and the accession of Ferdinand I, Catholic and Utraquist evangelicals in Moravia obviously hoped to thwart Louis II's project to reincorporate Utraquism into the jurisdiction of the Pope by a church union "from the left," and this, ultimately vain, optimism provided the context for Hubmaier's arrival to Moravia.
The new law of their belief has an uncanny resemblance to the utraquism [lay reception of communion under both kinds] doctrine of the Hussites on Mount Tabor in Bohemia ...