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n acronym for
1. (Education) University of South Africa
2. (Education) University of South Australia
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Women entrepreneurships In his welcoming remarks, UNISA Principal and Vice Chancellor Professor M Makhanya said women-owned enterprises must be accelerated.
In universities' ranking of the last 10 years, UNISA has often been rated among the top 10 best universities in Africa.
UniSA Professor Clive Prestidge, Dening's research supervisor, revealed the findings of the study has already attracted interested parties, particularly potential investors.
Professor Andy Koronios, Dean of Industry and Enterprise at UniSA, said: "With its technological and commercial expertise, as well as its expanding capabilities and resources, we are confident that Goonhilly will make a significant contribution to the SmartSat CRC."
As the UniSA Vice-Chancellor told the 2014 graduands, Your education doesn't stop here.
I am a lecturer at the University of South Africa, UNISA, and my main interests are in academic writing at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Unisa Deen Kargbo, chef de mission of the Sierra Leone team, told the Telegraph: "Unfortunately one of our athletes has not turned up for his event and we do not know where he is.
Prof Totemeyer is a research fellow at UNISA and chairperson of the Namibian Childrens Book Forum (NCBF).
Focusing on older undergraduate students enrolled in programs available through the University of South Australia's (UniSA) regional sites, this research sought to answer the question: 'What is it like for students aged 55 or more, with all their accumulated life experience, who are studying in undergraduate classes with younger students?' In exploring their study motivations and undergraduate experiences, it was hoped to identify not only any challenges faced, but also the highlights and the contributions made to their classes.
Other guests included DG Rescue 1122 Dr Rizwan Naseer, Director PDMA - Punjab Ms Nadia Saqib, Head of Cooperation CIDA Ms Rhonda Gossen-Ehsani, Director General NIDM Mr Ahmed Raza Sarwar and Director DRM Ms Zeb Unisa.
One of the major challenges in today's South Africa is, according to Peter Havenga, executive director of academic planning at the University of South Africa (UNISA), providing educational access to a large number of previously disadvantaged students.