United Nations Day

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Noun1.United Nations Day - a day for celebrating the founding of the United NationsUnited Nations Day - a day for celebrating the founding of the United Nations
day - a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance; "Mother's Day"
Oct, October - the month following September and preceding November
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U.N. Day is set aside annually to mark the coming into force of the world body's Charter in 1945 and to celebrate the work of the organization in promoting peace, security, human rights and development.
Summary: The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon honored eight Lebanese staffers Monday who have served for 30 years with the organization as the force observed U.N. Day at its Naqoura headquarters.
By: Egypt Today staff CAIRO -- 24 October 2017: On this occasion of U.N. Day, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry illuminated its building on Tuesday to express the Egyptian diplomacy's appreciation of the U.N.