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Noun1.Tofieldia - genus of perennial herbs of cool temperate regions; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae
liliid monocot genus - genus of monocotyledonous plants comprising mostly herbs having usually petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistils
family Liliaceae, Liliaceae, lily family - includes species sometimes divided among the following families: Alliaceae; Aloeaceae; Alstroemeriaceae; Aphyllanthaceae; Asparagaceae; Asphodelaceae; Colchicaceae; Convallariaceae; Hemerocallidaceae; Hostaceae; Hyacinthaceae; Melanthiaceae; Ruscaceae; Smilacaceae; Tecophilaeacea; Xanthorrhoeaceae
false asphodel - a plant of the genus Tofieldia having linear chiefly basal leaves and small spicate flowers
Scotch asphodel, Tofieldia pusilla - false asphodel having spikes of white flowers; of mountainous regions of Europe
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References in periodicals archive ?
9c), which he regarded as a primitive feature of the Kingia flower, and the presence of "open" septal glands in Dasypogon, which he considered superficially similar to those of Tofieldia. Remizowa et al.
In comparison with Orocantabrian and Pyrenean fens, the floristic composition is poor in character species of the alliance and order, lacking among them some plant specialist of these temperate fens: Equisetum variegatum, Pinguicula grandiflora, Pedicularis mixta, Selaginella selaginoides and Tofieldia calyculata (JIMENEZ-ALFARO & al., 2012).
Epilobium palustre L., Poa palustris L., Populus tremuloides Michx., and Tofieldia pusilla (Michx.) Pers.
Patterns of floral structure and orientation in Japonolirion, Narthecium, and Tofieldia. Aliso 22: 159-171.